Write a 1,200- to 1,500-word paper, excluding the title and references pages Directions: Choose

Write a 1,200- to 1,500-word paper, excluding the title and references pages Directions: Choose two empires discussed in the course Mesopotamian, Olmec, Egyptian, Harappan, and Ancient Chinese societies, and analyze three strategies that each of the two empires attempted to pursue in order to create, expand, maintain, or defend their rule. As part of your analysis, explain the consequences of these efforts, and provide specific examples drawn from the scholarly sources you are using to support your assertions and/or claims. Your project must meet the following research criteria: – Must include at least five scholarly sources to support the argument. – One of the five sources must be a primary source. – In addition to the five scholarly sources, you are encouraged to utilize images that enhance a presentation and contribute to it – Must include in-text citations to required sources – Must include full references for all sources, on a references page for the assignment and must be formatted according to APA style

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