Unit2 – Individual Project Assignment Overview Go To: Type: Individual Project

Unit2 – Individual Project
Assignment Overview

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Type: Individual Project
Due Date: Sun, 5/10/15
Points Possible: 100
Points Earned: 0
Deliverable Length: 1-2 pages

Assignment Details
Learning Materials
Reading Assignment

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Online Deliverables: Submissions

Assignment Details
Assignment Description
Immigration is endemic to the development of the United States. Throughout its history, multiple ethnic groups immigrated to the United States, thus affecting various
elements of American life. Though immigration is usually a voluntary event, groups were moved against their will at certain points in history. This assignment will limit the
project document to immigration from 3 specific regions of the world to make this assignment more manageable for students and facilitators.
Please write a project paper of 12 pages, and choose 1 group from the following list that has immigrated to the United States:
Western Europe
Eastern and Southern Europe
Western Africa
Use the following outline to format your Individual Project Paper:
Page 1
Choose 1 regional group from the list above.
Identify when people from this region immigrated.
Describe the reasons why they left their home country or countries.
Page 2
Examine this groups initial experience in America and how it changed over time.
Was the United States fundamentally changed by this groups immigration? Why, or why not?
Utilize proper grammar and university-level writing skills.
Format your response using APA document guidelines, to include a title page, abstract page, content, and reference page. Citations and references should
use APA style standards.
Grading Criteria
25%Choose 1 regional group.
Identify when people from this region immigrated. Describe the reasons why they
35% left their home country or countries. Utilize proper grammar and university-level
writing skills.
Was the United States fundamentally changed by this groups immigration? Why
35% or why not? Examine this groups initial experience in America and how it
changed over time. Utilize proper grammar and university-level writing skills.
Properly utilize the universitys citation standards for attribution and format.
5% Requirement includes use of APA document format, with title page, abstract
page, content, and reference page.

Reading Assignment
History, Chapters: 6, 7, 8

Assignment Objectives
Apply critical thinking skills to the content of the course.
Discuss historical events that led to social, political, economical, and cultural change within the United States.
Describe the effects of multiculturalism on America’s development, and examine the cultural achievements and population growth that helped to change America’s
status in international relations.
Explore the establishment and adaptation of political, social, and economic structures within the United States.
Discuss the role of commerce and business in the development of social and political structures within the United States.
Analyze a major historical event that significantly influenced the development of the United States.
Analyze major wars and conflicts and the effect they had on American sensibilities.

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