Create a bibliography of sources for your Portfolio Project.

Hello is me again…
ok this time is a easy one.. but is the beginning of a final essay so please make sure that it will be real good…The topic that I will have to write about is… “Pocahontas and her life as a Pacifist “.Now for this week I have to write this part only. The following:

Create a bibliography of sources for your Portfolio Project. Post this bibliography in the Portfolio Project in the Module 4 folder. Each source should be listed according to Guide for Writing and APA Requirements.

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You should have at least five sources, including a scholarly journal article, to support your paper. You should fully cite all the sources and images in your draft bibliography.This draft is intended to be a starting point for your paper (much as you would gather together the ingredients for a cake before you start to bake).
**Include with your bibliography a paragraph explaining where you found your sources and any difficulties you continue to have with your project.

**Once again this is the starting of a full easy within the next 3 weeks so you can start working on it if you want to. I will pay for that one separate on the corresponding week :). Thank you

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