This assignment is due with the due date as noted in the “Due Dates for the course

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Instructions for the Project Learning Summary for HIST 1409

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This assignment is due with the due date as noted in the “Due Dates for the course” by Module and Week” (located in the Course Home).

Read through all of the instructions to the end.

There is not and should not be a need for an example for this assignment. As an adult college student, you should be able to follow the written directions and reproduce your learning and critical thinking from the course.

The completed project must be placed into the Dropbox (tab or button located along the top) and must be submitted correctly as a Microsoft Word for Windows attached document. If you place this assignment in the wrong location or use the wrong format, instead of the instructed location and format, your assignment will receive a zero. A program called Turnitin is used for the Learning Summary Project essay. This program identifies work used from outside sources that was not cited in the essay. If someone uses work from another source or student, even in the current course, the program Turnitin will identify that as plagiarism and if there are two students involved, both will receive the Instructor’s chosen penalty for the infraction. Both parties will be considered guilty for this infraction. Plagiarism is an “XF” offense and Turnitin identifies essays and portions of essays from other sources, including essays submitted currently and previously by other students.The maximum accountability for plagiarism could be an XF for the entire course.

Remember, this completed project must be placed into the Dropbox (tab or button located along the top) and must be submitted correctly as a Microsoft Word for Windows attached document. If you place this assignment in the wrong location or use the wrong format, instead of the instructed location and format, your assignment will receive a zero. This assignment must be submitted on time. The due date is noted in the Due Dates for the course (located under the Course Home).

Pay close attention to the instructions for the entire assignment. This assignment must be turned in using the correct format, method and location, on time, to receive credit for this 200 point assignment.

There is not and should not be a need for an example for this assignment. As an adult college student, you should be able to follow the written directions and reproduce your learning and critical thinking from the course.

Your Name, the name of your instructor, the name of the assignment and the date should be in the upper left hand corner of your work. Each page should be numbered.

This essay should be produced, saved and submitted as a Microsoft Word for Windows document [such as .doc or .docx]. Use Times New Roman, size 12 point font. Double space your project essay. Your work should be presented in complete sentences with clear 4-7 sentence paragraphs. The heading for each paragraph section, such as 1. Introduction or 2. Topic/Name, such as 3. Hebrew People Historical Significance should be included for each paragraph to inform the reader, from your title, what information you are presenting in that paragraph.

All outside source material incorporated into the essay must be documented with internal citations and a Works Cited/bibliography page at the end of the essay. You may use MLA, APA, or Chicago/Turabian format for citations and Works Cited in your essay. Use only one of the previous formats with consistency in your essay. The Project Learning Summary should be turned in as a Word attachment (not pasted into the comment box) to the “Project Learning Summary” Dropbox by the end of the module due date noted in the Course Schedule.

Choose the top three most important topics or people that you learned about in this course. Give an explanation and description of your topic or person in at least one complete paragraph. Explain the significance in history of the chosen topic or person in your paragraph, perceived value and the historical timeframe (time location in history). If you choose a broad topic such as,law, justice, philosophical ideas, society, government, religionor another theme, you need to explain the chronological timeframe for the topic or person you chose to explain. Then for that same topic or person, provide at least a second detailed paragraph regarding a perceived or possible influence or impact of your topic or person in the contemporary age (current day). Provide detailed substance (rather than general statements) with supportive reasoning and examples from the assigned reading from this course. There is not and should not be a need for an example for this assignment. As an adult college student, you should be able to follow the written directions and reproduce your learning and critical thinking from the course.

Pay close attention to the instructions for the entire assignment. This assignment must be turned in using the correct format, method and location, on time, to receive credit for this 200 point assignment.

There is not and should not be a need for an example for this assignment. As an adult college student, you should be able to follow the written directions and reproduce your learning and critical thinking from the course.

Choose the top three most important topics or people that you learned about in this course. Give an explanation and description of your topic or person in at least one complete paragraph. Explain the significance in history of the chosen topic or person in your paragraph, perceived value and the historical timeframe (time location in history). If you choose a broad topic such as, law, justice, philosophical ideas, society, government, religion or another theme, you need to explain the chronological timeframe for the topic or person you chose to explain. Then for that same topic or person, provide at least a second detailed paragraph regarding a perceived or possible influence or impact of your topic or person in the contemporary age (current day). Provide detailed substance (rather than general statements) with supportive reasoning and examples from the assigned reading from this course. Remember to provide consistent citations within the essay, after all information borrowed from other sources. In accordance with the documentation style you have used for internal citations (MLA, APA, etc.), provide a Works Cited list/bibliography at the end of the essay.

The following sources provide help for citation information.

Purdue Owl – just type the search term in the search box (e.g. APA style):

NoodleTools – scroll down to the bottom of the page; choose NoodleBib Express (in the middle at the very bottom):

Specific Directions with explanation for the Project Learning Summary essay.

1. Provide an introduction to inform your reader of the nature of your project (remember to include section headers, numbered consecutively, as in “1. Introduction”). This should be one to two paragraphs. In the introduction, clearly identify the three different topics or people, from this course, you will be addressing in your essay. . Introductionparagraph(s) which clearly identifies threepeople or topics (which you learned about in the class) that you will be addressing in the essay.

The Body of your project essay should also be in paragraph form and should provide information regarding the following.

2. Provide a paragraph with the header or title name to identify of your important topic or person and include enough detailed explanation to demonstrate your learning and understanding with your chosen topic or person, with substantive, detailed evidence. Keep in mind that your goal is to demonstrate your learning and understanding of the assigned reading and course material. Remember to provide the correct headers for your paragraphs (e.g. “2. Hebrew People Historical Significance”) with detailed explanation that includes the significance in history of the chosen topic or person in your paragraph, perceived value and the historical timeframe (time location in history). The headers should include your chosen topic or person followed by the appropriate information, such as “Historical Significance” (remember to number your paragraph headers). Present the Person/Topic ofHistorical significance (you will actually name or identify the person/topic of the each body paragraph in its header, for exampleHebrew People Historical Significance) and detailed explanation with substance and examples from the assigned reading from the course.

3. Then for that same topic or person provide at least one detailed paragraph regarding a perceived influence or impact of your topic or person in the contemporary age (current day). These paragraphs should have a number and header or title (e.g. “3. Hebrew People Contemporary Significance”) followed by your detailed information. The header should include your chosen topic or person followed by the appropriate information, such as “Contemporary Significance.” Present the Person/TopicContemporary influence (again, you will include the person/topic in the header, such as Hebrew People Contemporary Influence) and detailed explanation with substance and examples from the assigned reading from the course.

4. Provide a paragraph with your second choice of an important historical topic or person, just as you did with the first, with the correct header. Present the Person/Topicwith Historical significance and detailed explanation with substance and examples from the assigned reading from the course.

5. Then provide the contemporary influence or impact, with the correct header. Present thePerson/Topicwith Contemporary influence and detailed explanation with substance and examples from the assigned reading from the course.

6. Provide a paragraph with your third choice of your important topic or person historically like the first, with the correct header. Present the Person/Topic withHistorical significance and detailed explanation with substance and examples from the assigned reading from the course.

7. Then provide the contemporary influence or impact, with the correct header. Person/TopicContemporary influence and detailed explanation with substance and examples from the assigned reading from the course.

8. Conclude your work with a summarizing paragraph (remember the header, e.g. “8. Conclusion”). You should highlight all of your main points with significance in the summary.

As you develop your essay, remember that a body paragraph with clarity and substance should begin with a topic sentence and include at least 4-7 sentences of detailed information to explain your topic with substance. Your work should include supportive reasons and examples, especially from the assigned course reading. If you do not provide substance with supportive reasoning and examples, your work will miss the goal of the assignment and that is to demonstrate you learning from the assigned material.

The length of this project should be at leasteight (8) paragraphs of substance. An essay with minimum requirements will be graded with a “C” grade of 70%, so if there is desire for a higher grade, then more is expected to earn the higher grade.

The length of this project should be at least eight (8) paragraphs.

1. Introduction paragraph(s) which clearly identifies three people or topics (which you learned about in the class) that you will be addressing in the essay 2. Person/Topic #1 Historical significance (you will actually name or identify the person/topic of the each body paragraph in its header, for example Sophocles’ Historical Significance)

3. Person/Topic #1 Contemporary influence (again, you will include the person/topic in the header, such as Sophocles’ Contemporary Influence)

4. Person/Topic #2 Historical significance

5. Person/Topic #2 Contemporary influence

6. Person/Topic #3 Historical significance

7. Person/Topic #3 Contemporary influence

8. Conclusion

The grading rubric for this assignment is:

/50 points – Following directions

/50 points – College level written work

/100 points – Identifying and reflecting information relevant to our course

/200 – Total possible points

Topics I picked:

2. Socrates’ Historical Significance

3. Socrates Contemporary Influence

4.Early Christian Literature Historical Significance

5. Early Christian Literature Contemporary Influence

6. Augustine of Hippo’s Confessions Historical Significance

7. Augustine of Hippo’s Confessions Contemporary Influence

Do these fit all of the instructions in your opinion? Is there some way to make these more specific?

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