1. The “Progressive movement” of the early 20th century addressed what many saw as problems

1. The “Progressive movement” of the early 20th century addressed what many saw as problems arising from the new industrial order. What were some of the specific problems that the “Progressive movement” addressed, and what specific remedies were attempted? [Hint: you may want to consider “problems” and attempted “remedies” related to wealth, labor, immigration, race, gender, environment, imperial expansion, and others.] 2. Describe the economic and social impacts of the mass production/mass consumption system that developed in the 1920s and discuss what you think were their positive and negative aspects. 3. The 1920s was a decade of paradox: The United States sought to remove and separate itself from the rest of the world by adopting stricter policies of immigrant restriction and remaining aloof from the League of Nations. Yet it was also a decade of great prosperity in which American investment capital and American-made products flooded into the world. After analyzing why you think Americans pursued both political “isolationism” and economic “globalization” during the 1920s, develop your own assessment of these policies. 4. “World War I, an emerging mass consumption society, and urbanization created pressures for “Americanization” during the 1920s.” Develop an essay discussing this proposition. [Hint: you may agree, disagree, or partly agree and disagree. In any case, provide very specific examples to support your argument.] 5. “World War II highlighted discrimination within American life and also produced pressures for greater unity and accommodation.” Discuss this statement, showing that you understand how these conflicting trends fit together. (You could, for example, draw on examples related to the effects of “repatriation” of Mexican and Filipino laborers during the 1930s, patterns of wartime employment, urban tensions such as the “Zoot Suit riots,” internment of people of Japanese descent, the efforts of the Office of War information, FEPC, and many, many more.) 6. How did mobilizing for war in World War II change the American economy, the employment patterns in its labor force, the role of government, and movements for greater equality in American life? 7. Write an essay called “War and Society: World War I and World War II.” In this essay, advance your own thesis about the effects of these wars on society and support your thesis by specific using evidence.

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