The purpose of this activity is twofold. First, it will help you hone your library research skills

The purpose of this activity is twofold. First, it will help you hone your library research skills so you can locate books and journal articles to support your written work. Use this exercise to explore sources useful for your Final Project. Second, it will help you focus on analyzing sources by writing annotations. What is an annotation? An annotation is a brief commentary on a scholarly book, chapter, journal article, or primary source that summarizes its central points and main argument. This activity will help you learn how to identify and explain an author’s thesis statement in the case of scholarly articles, chapters, and books. By developing an awareness of thesis statements in scholarly works, you will be better able to formulate thesis statements in your own work. In the case of primary sources, you will identify key elements of the source that will help you analyze its significance. Attention to significance will help you refine your critical thinking skills and construct arguments that support your thesis statements. This is a collective endeavor; everyone contributes by posting annotations to build an annotated bibliography that we can all draw from when developing our work. For this activity, you are to look for a scholarly source that you find interesting and relevant to the week. Follow the Annotated Bibliography Builder Template. Fill out the information outlined on the template.

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