Marketing Questions quiz

GENERAL CONCEPT QUESTIONS Multiple Choice 1. Marketers are always looking for emerging trends that suggest new marketing opportunities. One such trend is the “metrosexual.” Which of the following items would the metrosexual most likely have some interest for? a. An IBM computer. b. Tickets to WWF wrestling. c. Saxophone lessons. d. An all-over body spray…


Q1What are some of the different factors can affect the promotion mix? Q2 Think about and provide examples of two different message strategies you’ve seen in commercials in the last year. Why do you think they were or were not effective? Q3 How would you define social media? Ch 12 Part 2 Part 1: Try…

Marketing Quiz data

Tapping into Global Markets GENERAL CONCEPT QUESTIONS Multiple Choice 1. Red Bull has gained ________ of the worldwide energy drink market by skillfully connecting with global youth. a. 70 percent b. 80 percent c. 60 percent d. 50 percent e. 90 percent 2. Red Bull built buzz about the product through its ________. a. “buzz…

Mkt 500 week 3 discussions

“Target Audiences” “Target Audiences” Please respond to the following: -Many beginning marketing students make the mistake of assuming that some products can appeal to everyone. Pick a product that you believe has mass appeal and analyze it.-From the case study, propose the next steps that Kirkwood should take and how to reach these steps. Support…

MK201 Week 7 Quiz Questions

MK201 Chapters 16-17-18 Week 7 Quiz Questions Total points: 6 Directions: Select the best response for each. Please post your selections in the Blackboard response section numbered 1-30 with response to each corresponding question. Due: Sunday at midnight for each week of this course. Scenario 16.1 Use the following to answer the questions. When introducing…