Introduction of Individual Counseling Theories) Week 5

Respond to  2 students discussion using the rise Model

Due Thursday November 16, 2023 by 11:00 pm

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Must Read Everything: 

Reply to at least two classmate’s posts, applying the RISE Model for Meaningful Feedback

I will also show an example below of how the response needs to be addressed.

Here’s an example of how the response should look. Please don’t copy it. 

The response to the classmate need to be just like this. 

Example Response (Response Needs to be writen just like the response below No copying)

RISE Feedback:

REFLECT: I concur with “Action plans should reflect the type of services that are needed and have an idea of the expected outcome of the services” because it is in line with Hatch and Hartline’s intentional school counseling guidelines in regards to determining students needs.

INQUIRE: Can you further explain what “closing-the-gap action plans” are? 

SUGGEST: I encourage you to revisit Hatch and Hartline’s MTMDSS tier interventions in order to add a citation that would illustrate your example on bullying prevention efforts. 

ELEVATE: What if you re-purposed “For example, after a needs assessment, the school is having problems with bullying” as “Following Trish Hatch’s MTMDSS tier based interventions, if the school is having problems with bullying, after a needs assessment, we could… citation…”  for a more weighted argument?

ReferencesHatch, T., & Hartline, J. (2022). The use of data in school counseling: Hatching results (and so much more) for students, programs and the profession (2nd Ed.). Corwin.

****PLEASE RESPOND IN DEPTH***************************************************

See below for the two classmate discussion post that you will need to respond to


Response 1- Claudia

Respond to the following prompt in the Typical Issues discussion forum by Wednesday: In reading about the different theoretical approaches, which approach(es) do you see as providing essential counseling skills, techniques, and straegties needed for individual counseling in addressing some of these typical issues? Why?

When reviewing various theoretical approaches that counselors use to support students, I believe that Brief Solution-Focused Therapy (BSFT) is a great approach to address concerns that children commonly face, such as academic stress, self-esteem issues, conflicts, bullying, and loss. BSFT focuses on a solution model that asks students to brainstorm a possible approach that addresses their problem. For students dealing with various forms of emotional stress, a BSFT approach could involve students identifying their strengths and successful coping mechanisms, then applying achievable goals to help with solving an aspect related to their concern. BSFT focuses on what is possible and changeable. To be exact, “Solution Focused Counseling is a common method used in school counseling programs. An advantage of this method is that it doesn’t take a lot of time to do.  Rather than trying to excavate all the different reasons a person feels a certain way or is in a certain challenging situation, the focus is on looking at the strengths and resiliencies of each person, and from there, finding solutions, ” (Anita, 2023). BSFT is also beneficial as it promotes a sense of agency and resiliency for students who experience success in applying a strategy that they have seen progress in on their own application. In other words, just finding a small solution and applying this to a problem helps individuals to feel empowered and less vulnerable. 

In my experience working with students, I have used concepts from BSFT when students have complained about not liking a class, or a teacher. In using techniques from BSFT, students may start by sharing that they don’t like going to a class because the teacher is always focusing on them, or giving the student a hard time for their tardies. In order for the situation to change, and for the student to see that the teacher to no longer giving negative attention towards this student, the student may realize that the change they want to try and implement is in reducing absences and tardies, and getting to class on time. Thus the teacher’s focus is no longer on this student coming tardy to class. 


Anita. (2023, April 22). Using Solution Focused Counseling in Schools with Kids & Teens. WholeHearted School Counseling.


Response 2- Alejandra

In reading about the different theoretical approaches, which approach(es) do you see as providing essential counseling skills, techniques, and strategies needed for individual counseling in addressing some of these typical issues? Why?

I would like to focus on the efficacy of mindfulness as a strategy for addressing some of these typical issues. Here is an explanation of mindfulness from an ASCA article I found: 

“Mindfulness is about noticing whatever experience you are having, including all thoughts, feelings or physical sensations. It is not about blocking out thoughts or removing stress; mindfulness helps change the relationship with stress. Mindfulness can be practiced anytime, anywhere by purposefully being engaged with all senses focused on the present moment and without judgment of thoughts and feelings that may be attached. Mindfulness is not the same as meditation – meditation is an intentional internal practice, with an inward focus increasing calmness, concentration and emotional balance” (Chamberlain et al., 2019). 

I learned about mindfulness when I started as a patient of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). Implementing mindfulness in my life has helped me manage my stress and anxiety as someone with an anxiety disorder. I am definitely not a master of mindfulness, but I am still practicing every day and getting better at it. You can practice mindfulness as simply as paying whole attention to a single activity, such as when writing, reading, washing dishes, or driving. The counselors that wrote the article about implementing mindfulness at their school shared the following technique for students to practice mindfulness: 

Anchoring: We tell students, picture yourself on a sailboat riding the waves of your emotions. Some days are calm, and your boat gently bobs. Other days are rough, tossing your boat around. As a captain for your boat, would you choose your lizard brain or wizard brain? Your wizard brain is wise and knows when to drop an anchor to keep your boat steady, even in choppy waters. An anchor is a word, phrase, symbol or technique, such as breathing, that brings one back to the present moment, a core mindfulness practice” (Chamberlain et al., 2019). 

Personally, I get stuck ruminating on my anxious thoughts. I know that many students face this as well. By learning how to not judge their anxious thoughts, students can tolerate their distress and respond, not react, to their present circumstances. This can reduce impulsive behavior and have a positive impact on their academic performance. 


Chamberlain, J., Perilla , J., & Herrera , E. (2019). A journey to mindfulness. A Journey to Mindfulness – American School Counselor Association (ASCA).

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