Global Business

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Module 5

Final Project

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Course Structure

Module 1 – Globalism and Culture

• Lays the groundwork for the course

• What makes global business different?

• Macro Context

• Culture

• Global Competitiveness

Module 2 – Global Strategy, Processes and

• So, you are thinking of growing

• What are the strategies, structures and
processes to be considered?


Module 3 – Global Functional Dynamics

• Look at the wide array of corporate
functions and how they vary in the
international environment

• From finance to corporate social

Module 4 – Social Media, Pan-Global
Demographics, Next Generation
Technology and Implications
• At what point does ubiquity render global business moot?

• The final module will look at those segments and trends
which are truly global and growing despite culture,
nationalism, and other crosscurrents. An important
dynamic in this discussion is the impact of global social
and Christian trends on Ministries and other NFPs.

Module 0 – Introductions, Course Overview and Foundations

Course Overview


Globalization Trends

Macro Analysis – PESTLE

Culture – Globe, Hofstede

Competitiveness (see side bar)


– Resources & Capabilities

– Value Chain


– Porter’s 5 Forces

Are you aware and


If yes, how to go global?

Global Strategy (see sidebar)

Functional Details

Digital and Social Strategy

Global Strategy


– Where to go? Country


– How to go? Risk,

Structure, Non-Equity,

Equity, etc.

Professional Standard – English and Grammar, Logic, Pyramid Structure, SCQA, Hypothesis

and best medium for the message.





0.3 Final Assignment Overview

(Bringing It All Together – Strategy,
Culture, and Stakeholder Management
in a Global Organisation).

• Prepare a Strategy for a Current Global
Corporation with the ability to grow

• Presentation style up to you

• Equivalent to (min.) 7-10 written pages/2000
words++ or 30 slides. If slides, include notes
to ensure understanding.


• Final report – effectively addressing
the scope with good analysis
including use of tools (10 marks)

• Quality of final report – writing,
structure (SCQA and logic) and
professionalism – (10 marks)

• Implications (5 marks). Does the
report answer the question? Does
it let us know “so what”?

• Creativity (5 marks). This includes
documentation or presentation


Sample Final Report Checklist

TWU – MBA 662: R. Ian Angell Oct. 2020 6

The final report should AT LEAST include discussion on each section from class:
✓ Executive Summary

✓ Macro Analysis – PESTLE and Implications

✓ Culture – Globe or Hofstede and Implications

✓ Competitiveness – Resources & Capabilities, Value Chain with Financial Analysis and Porter’s

Competitive Analysis. Home country vs new country(ies). Include implications of this analysis.

✓ Strategy for Entry

✓ Structure for Entry

✓ Functional Detail for Entry – Marketing, Distribution and Supply Chain, Technical, HR, Finance

and Governance (Social, Community, Environmental, etc.)

✓ Next Steps and Implementation`

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