During Week 1 you will choose a capstone project you will complete for this course. The three choices you have are: Portfolio, Meta-analysis, or Research

During Week 1 you will choose, if you haven’t already, which capstone project you will complete for this course. The three choices you have are: Portfolio, Meta-analysis, or Research. See below for details.

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Get your assignment on During Week 1 you will choose a capstone project you will complete for this course. The three choices you have are: Portfolio, Meta-analysis, or Research completed on time. avoid delay and – ORDER NOW

Topic is first grade, i do teach here in Oklahoma if that helps


Portfolio Guidelines: Portfolio must address
all Curriculum and Instruction Outcomes and will include a Title page, Table of Contents, at least one artifact that demonstrates a clear connection to each program outcome, and a reflection of how the artifact demonstrates knowledge of the outcome and a reference list. Some outcomes may require more than one artifact, such as outcome #2
Utilize principles of educational psychology, classroom management, and instruction to construct strategies for meeting student needs in the classroom environment.

Table of Contents: I think it’s best to connect your reflection and artifact(s) to the Table of Contents, but it is not required that you do it that way. I have given you a link with several examples of how to link one document to another in Resources.

Introduction: The purpose of the Portfolio and a general summary of its contents (300-500 words).

Artifacts: Artifacts from coursework should demonstrate a clear connection to the Program Outcome they illustrate, using google docs, hyperlink, or a database of your choice.

· For each Outcome, provide
at least 1 artifact (your item of evidence) and
a reflection on that artifact. Outcomes, such as #2, may require more than one artifact.

· Examples of artifacts include essays, research papers/papers, course assignments, exams or quizzes, projects you have completed individually or with a partner/group

· Template for Artifacts: This is how each Learning Outcome/artifact could be set up in your portfolio. You can vary from this format, but it must include:
Artifact for Program Outcome X: (Copy and Paste Learning Outcome )
Identification: (Name the artifact as e.g. a lesson plan, project, video, etc.)
Course or Activity: (Identify by course code and title for courses as e.g.
ED 5453 Capstone in Curriculum and Instruction)

Reflective Statements: Each reflection should be
300-500 words, well-written, with correct grammar, spelling, and good organization. You should include a personal, thoughtful interpretation of the artifacts you choose to illustrate each Program Outcome. Your Reflections are
the most important part of your Portfolio. Each reflection interprets your artifact. It states how you met the Program Outcome, based on the artifact (evidence) you submit. Your reflection should incorporate 1-3 references to text(s) and/or other substantive resources from coursework, which contribute to your explanation and they are cited in APA style.

References: References in the portfolio will (most likely) address the artifact you have chosen to illustrate mastery of the Program Objective.

Meta-Analysis: A meta-analysis examines data from a number of independent studies of the same subject, in order to determine overall trends. The meta-analysis should address
at least one program outcome. A meta-analysis was used in your text for ED 5243 and ED 5163.

Guidelines for Meta-Analysis:

· Includes a Title Page, Abstract, Table of Contents, Review of Studies (at least 5), Synthesis of Results from Studies (you are not required to calculate effect-size), Conclusions, and Reference Page

· Develop a question to research from one (or more) of the program outcomes

· Includes 5-10 references

· Written in APA Style

Research Thesis: The Thesis is preferably Action Research, which addresses at least one program outcome and improves practice.
This project must begin in ED 5343 Curriculum Design and Action Research for Improved Practice. The project plan must be submitted to the Program Director by the end of ED 5343 course. This research project will also require approval from the IRB. If you have not fulfilled these requirements, you must choose another project type.

Master’s Thesis Guidelines:

· Original research, which addresses
at least one program outcome

· Includes a Title Page, Abstract, Table of Contents, Introduction (Purpose of Study, Literature Review), Method of Research, Conclusions, and Reference Page (8-10 references

· Part A-

· Review the
Discussion Requirements for this course before responding to the prompt below.

· Discuss why you chose your project and how you think it will capstone your academic and intellectual experiences in the M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction program.

300-400 words

Part B-Capstone overview

You will write a 250- to 300-word overview of your project. For the portfolio, this could be the purpose of the portfolio. For the Meta-Analysis, this would be the objective(s) you are addressing and question(s) you are researching in other studies. For those doing a Research Thesis, this would be the purpose of your research.

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