Case – POL202 American Government (2023NOV06FT-1)
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Module 2 – Case
Assignment Overview
Civil Liberties and the USA PATRIOT Act
For this assignment, you will write a paper presenting the strongest
arguments possible for both sides of a debate regarding Section
215 of the USA PATRIOT Act, examining various points including
the free flow of speech.
Case Assignment
Step 1
Write a 3 to 4-page debate paper that addresses the following
You are serving an internship with a candidate running for
Congress. She has asked you to help her prepare for a series of
debates over central topics facing the nation today. In the first
section of the debate paper, you will provide the most powerful
argument possible in favor of one side of the debate, then you will
do the same for the other side. Finally, you will write a critique of the
side of the issue with which you disagree.
For this assignment, you will prepare a debate paper covering an
important contemporary issue in American Federalism. In 2001,
President George W. Bush signed into law the USA PATRIOT Act,
commonly known as the Patriot Act. Title II, Section 215 of the
Patriot Act (referred to as Sec. 215) allows the FBI to demand that
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libraries produce the borrowing records of patrons suspected of
engaging or planning to engage in international terrorism or
clandestine intelligence activities. Moreover, the libraries that are
asked to provide this information through a National Security Letter
(NSL) are not allowed to tell the targeted patron, or even
acknowledge that they have received an NSL.
Your candidate’s debates will take place before an audience of the
general public, so be sure to include an explanation of why the USA
PATRIOT Act was passed and how it sought to address
governmental and individual concerns over personal safety in the
United States. Audience members will want to know how and why
the act was originally passed and how it affects them today.
Step 2
Research the topic.
Being able to apply information literacy skills to study politics is
critical. Access the Internet to research and learn about Title II,
Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act, and about the law in general.
Consider your sources carefully when you research, keeping the
following points in mind:
Primary sources, such as government websites, will be more
informative and less subjective than secondary sources.
Check the reference lists or sources of any secondary online
source you find, such as a journal or newspaper article. Has the
author provided solid background for the opinions he or she
Do not accept the opinions of any individual secondary source
without question. Consider the site where you found the source.
What is its primary purpose? Who is its intended audience?
Step 3
Write a paper in favor of current practices.
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Demonstrate that you can apply an understanding of government
processes to analyze contemporary politics. Begin by writing the
first part of the paper that argues in favor of retaining Section 215 of
the Patriot Act as law. Make a case for why this law is critical for the
nation’s security.
Briefly explain the nature of the law at hand and the factors and
processes that led to its passage.
Outline which institutional structures were involved with the
passage of this law and how they interacted.
Examine the Patriot Act law in the context of the history of U.S.
Address ways that government processes affect contemporary
political issues such as the Patriot Act.
Explain how individuals can impact the political environment and
discuss this issue in relation to the intended checks and balances in
our governmental system.
Step 4
Write a paper against current practices.
Now, write a section of the paper that argues for revoking Section
215 of the Patriot Act. Make a case for why this law goes against
American values like freedom and privacy.
Use examples from the history of U.S. politics to support your case,
and focus on issues such as:
* The free flow of ideas that allow a democracy to function
* U.S. citizens’ right to privacy
Analyze the formal and informal processes that affect how public
policy is made. Describe how these processes relate to this
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contemporary issue, focusing on how they could work together to
revoke this law.
Explain how individuals can impact the political environment and
discuss this issue in relation to the intended checks and balances in
our governmental system.
Step 5
Write a critique.
Now that you have made a strong argument for each side, critique
or challenge the argument with which you disagree. Address its
strongest points and explain why you disagree with that view.
Step 6
In summary, be sure your paper includes the following:
1. An argument for maintaining current practices
2. An argument for changing current practices
3. A critique of the side with which you disagree
Proofread and save your work.
Assignment Expectations
Use concepts from the background readings as well as any
academic resources you can find (Wikipedia-type sources are not
acceptable). Please be sure to cite your sources within the text and
provide a reference page at the end of your paper.
Length: 4–5 pages, double-spaced, typed using 12 Point Times
New Roman font.
The following items will be assessed in particular:
Your ability to apply the basic concepts to the questions.
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Some in-text references to the background readings (APA
formatting not required).
The essay should address each element of the assignment.
Remember to support your answers with solid references
including the background readings.
Upload your paper to the Case 2 Dropbox when it is completed.