Write a 4-6 page paper with a title page and bibliography (Works Cited page) following

Write a 4-6 page paper with a title page and bibliography (Works Cited page) following the format used by your major or department: APA, MLA or the Chicago style.

You must have at least four academic primary or secondary sources (use the Online Library and not the Internet). See Lessons for the difference between a primary, secondary, and tertiary source. YOU MUST CITE YOUR SOURCES! Cite, cite, cite. As per the APUS grading rubric, do not use your textbook or encyclopedias (or generally tertiary sources). Do not use any source that is not academically credible. You must let me know what style you are using (Chicago, APA, or MLA).

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This short essay may be on a subject of your choose, provided that it relates to the subject matter of the course. Think about what you have read in your textbook. Has something peaked your interest? Research it further. Remember that this is a very short essay, so the subject matter should be very narrow.

Remember the forms of analysis I am teaching you. Your essay should use at least one of them as the paper must be grounded in critical analysis.

Cultural Analysis:The fourth course objective that students must understand is the
analysis of culture. This type of analysis looks at how cultures change in
history. This can include religion, philosophy, literature, and any form of
aesthetics, music, art, or architecture. Education is an important element of
culture that is studied. In fact, the history of education is its own subfield.
This form of analysis also looks at the history of ideas. Very simply, the
history of ideas examines how human ideas have changed throughout the
centuries. The History of Ideas is also a subfield. One way to use this form of
analysis is to study, for example, slave cultures or southern antebellum
culture. One form of cultural analysis that I particularly enjoyed as an
undergraduate involved the history of American film and the history of
children’s literature. An important form of cultural analysis is postmodern,
which includes Marxist, structuralist, feminist, queer theory, postcolonial,
subaltern, and postructuralist forms of analysis. At the one-hundred level, I
do not expect students to understand postmodernism and its derivative schools.
For this class, when you think of cultural analysis, focus on people’s everyday
lives and all forms of cultural phenomena such as the development of knowledge,
the arts, and domestic culture. Material history is part of this, for example,
examining quilting.

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