Women in the Army Signal Corps were sworn in to military

Women in the Army Signal Corps were sworn in to military service and were able to
collect vet benefits as soon as the war ended.
1) True.
2) False. Question #2
Match the term with the correct description
Question #3
Match the term with the correct description
Question #4
Yeomanettes in the Navy served in as translators, draftsmen, fingerprint experts,
ship camouflage designers and recruiting agents.
1) True.
2) False.
Question #5
The most important reason you know that the piece on p 589 entitled "Returning
Soldiers," by W.E.B. DuBois is a PRIMARY SOURCE about the past is because it is
included in your textbook about U.S. history.
1) True.
2) False.
Question #6
Many thousands of women wanted to break the gender boundary in the U.S military
during World War I, but they could not serve because they did not have the right to
vote. 1) True.
2) False.
Question #7
Despite all the carnage after years of war, the frontlines remained at a stalemate –
they were nearly unchanged.
1) True.
2) False.
Question #8
After the Great War:
1) There was a postwar recession after the war jobs were gone.
2) Strikes and fear foreign radicals resulted in an obsession with purging the
country of radicals.
3) There were race riots.
4) All of the above.
5) None of the above.
Question #9
The Committee on Public Information did very little to influence advertisers during
and after the war.
1) True.
2) False.
Question #10
Which of the following is NOT true of trenches during the Great War?
1) Wide enough for two men to walk abreast and fire weapons.
2) Filled with mud, rats and lice.
3) The land between them was destroyed by weapons and called "No man’s
4) All of the above are true.
5) None of the above are true. Question #11
Americanization programs often targeted native-born Anglo-Americans as
transmitters of culture.
1) True.
2) False.
Question #12
In some ways, W.E.B. DuBois was a typical Progressive who believed that
investigation, exposure, and education would lead to solutions for social problems.
1) True.
2) False.
Question #13
The Espionage Act (1917) and Sedition Act (1918)
4) were the first federal restrictions on free speech since 1798.
drew mostly from similar language in state law.
ame after strong public calls for a more "defensible democracy."
Russia were put on the books but never applied. Question #14
The Red Scare was a short-lived but intense period of political intolerance inspired
by the postwar strike wave and the social tensions and fears generated by the
Russian Revolution.
1) True.
2) False.
Question #15
The espionage act in WWI continued the long-standing policy that speech could
pose a "clear and present danger" under the Espionage Act. People had always been and would continue to be prosecuted as a threat to the nation in wartime for
their oppositional speech.
1) True.
2) False.
Question #16
The American Protective League encouraged neighbors to spy on one another to
identify radicals and critics of the war to the federal government.
1) True.
2) False.
Question #17
Theodore Roosevelt invited Booker T. Washington to dine with him at the White
House and appointed some blacks to federal offices.
1) True.
2) False.
Question #18
The Great War was also important for U.S. history because
1) it was the first large-scale employment of women in the military.
2) Atines
Question #19
The Committee on Public Information
5) was directed by William Jennings Bryan.
protected civil liberties.
was a government agency that sought to shape public opinion.
was affiliated with the Socialist Party.
was limited in its efforts. Question #20 Theodore Roosevelt’s taking of the Panama Canal Zone is an example of:
1) his ability to speak softly in diplomatic situations when he knew he was
2) liberal internationalism, since he worked closely with the French to work out
a deal favorable to Panama.
3) his belief that civilized nations had an obligation to establish order in an
unruly world.
4) one of the many wars in which Roosevelt involved the United States.
Question #21
World War I opened thousands of industrial jobs to black laborers for the first time,
inspiring a large-scale migration from South to North called the Great Migration.
1) True.
2) False.
Question #22
Which of the following was NOT a new weapon during World War I?
5) Tanks.
poison gasses.
submarines ("u-boats")
Airplanes. Question #23
The magnitude of the killing in the Great War was unprecedented; the original
British army only lasted a year.
1) True.
2) False.
Question #24
Congress created a draft for the war but wanted to be the authority as to who,
exactly, should be exempt of the draft; they did not want those decisions left up to
the communities about their own men. 1) True.
2) False.
Question #25
World War I:
5) was known as the Good War.
resulted in limited casualties.
pitted the British against France.
began with the assassination of an American diplomat.
was rooted in European contests over colonial possessions.

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