What is the economic issue facing the school system in Kansas

Conduct research from viable and credible sources such as and not limited to economic journals, periodicals, books, data base, and websites.Make sure to have no less than five sources to support your points. In addition, include in-text citations, statistics and graphs to support the credibility of your writing.
In this written assignment, the quality of your writing and the application of APA format will be evaluated in addition to your content. Evaluation based on these criteria is designed to help prepare you for your college projects, which must be well written and follow APA guidelines. Each written assignment should contain a minimum of 900 words, but no more than 1100 words. Make sure that you use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. You do not have to wait until the due date to submit the assignment.
Please choose only one of the following topics:
A) What is the economic issue facing the school system in Kansas? Are you able to identify the types of government policie
Are you able to identify the types of government policies that have been implemented that have led to the issues? What do you think may have been the motivation behind implementing the government policies? What are some of the current and future economic benefits and costs of the policies implemented? Please make reference to theoretical concepts and how they apply to this scenario. Include data and/or graphs in order to maximize your score.
B) Recent European economic news has focused around Brexit. Please write about some of the pros and cons of Brexit. In addition, please write about mainly some of the theoretical impacts that are expected as a result of Brexit. Please make reference to theoretical concepts and how they apply to this scenario. Include data and/or graphs in order to maximize your score.
C) Chile is noted as one of the few economic successes of Latin America. Please make reference to some of the economic policies Chile has implemented over the past three decades and

Many people have called China a cheater. What do they mean? How might China have cheated their way to success? Please make reference to theoretical concepts and how they apply to China. Include data and/or graphs in order to maximize your score. E) What’s so wrong with Greece? Greece has encountered economic turmoil recently. How has their economic growth differed from other nations in the European Union? What have been some of the causes and possible solutions to Greece’s economic trouble? Please make reference to economic concepts and how they apply to Greece. Include data and/or graphs in order to maximize your score.

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