What is humanism and what different forms of humanism existed during the Renaissance period

1.Please create a 250 word essay, APA format on each on the following questions attached for my HY1010- Western Civilization l course.
a. Your answer to each question should contain a minimum 250-word response.
b. Spelling and grammar will impact your grade. Make certain to proofread each response carefully before clicking on the submit button.
c. General encyclopedias are not acceptable sources.
i. Examples include, but are not limited to, Wikipedia, Encarta, and World Book.
d. Make certain that all of your sources (including your textbook) are referenced at the end of your response and that the information within your response is cited to show the difference between your ideas and your sources.

2. If you needs sources from the book, please ask me.

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250 words for each questions
1. What is humanism and what different forms of humanism existed during the
Renaissance period? Discuss humanist ideas, examples of humanist thinkers, and

2. Discuss the Hundred Years War: What were its causes? Why did the war continue for so
long a period? What advantages did each side possess? What were the outcomes of the
war for France and England?
3. Discuss the Columbian exchange. What was exchanged? What were the immediate
consequences of the encounters between the Old and New Worlds?
4. How did the Protestant Reformation in England occur? What was the cause for the
reformation? What events led to this change, and what impact did these changes have
on England?
5. Absolutism was met with resistance in England. What groups resisted absolutism? How
and why did they resist? What English traditions and political ideas prevented the
adoption of absolutism?
6. What impact did the Price Revolution have on the governments and people of Europe?

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