The three broad types of economic systems are:

  • International executives, market analysts, and policy makers study economic performance to better understand all of the following except:
  • a. wealth accumulation.
  • b. individualistic orientations.
  • c. job creation.
  • d. income growth.
  • The gross national income per capita is:
  • a. the value of production that takes place within a nation’s borders divided by the population.
  • b. the value of all goods within that country.
  • c. adjusted to reflect differences in the cost of living.
  • d. the value of all goods and services produced in the economy divided by the population.
  • Per capita GNI is determined by ____ the size of GNI of a nation by its total population.
  • a. Multiplying
  • b. Adding
  • c. Subtracting
  • d. Dividing
  • A general, sustained rise in prices measured against a standard level of purchasing power is called
  • a. Inflation
  • b. Hyperinflation
  • c. cost of living
  • d. relative income
  • The three broad types of economic systems are:
  • a. individualist economy, mixed economy, and state-directed economy.
  • b. market economy, collective economy, production economy.
  • c. market economy, hybrid economy, and command economy.
  • d. market economy, command economy, mixed economy.

Please answer my question

  • What is the economic environment in Business ?
  • Please mention and describe type of economic system ? please give each example !

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