The Holocaust Schindlers List” Video Quiz

The Holocaust Schindlers List” Video Quiz

A Jewish _________, Itzhak Stern, assisted
Oskar Schindler in running his Enamelware factory; he was responsible for the
employment of the Jews.

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Question 2

5 / 5 points

In one scene, Schindler enters a _______,
where many Jews, pretending to pray, were in fact trading in the black market.



Question 3

5 / 5 points

Oskar Schindler met Jewish leaders in a
______, and made an oral contract with them to create a factory for pots and




Question 4

5 / 5 points

In the film, Schindler sits down with Stern
and proposes a toast to the factory’s success. With the Nazi destruction of
Jews taking place outside of Schindler’s factory and throughout Poland, Stern
is not interested in a toast. What does Stern do?

He breaks his glass

He just lifts his glass

He quickly drinks

Question 5

5 / 5 points

The name of Oskar Schindler’s wife is _______.




Question 6

5 / 5 points

Stern leads to one of the most joyful and
sorrowful moments of the film – the hiring of _____________ as a
machine-operator insistent on thanking Mr Schindler personally. “Of what
use is ________ worker?” cried Schindler “he has valuable skills”
replied Stern – “he’s a metal press operator…very skilled.”

An old man

A young boy

An old one-armed man

Question 7

5 / 5 points

During the liquidation of the ghetto, in March
13, 1943, one Jewish family took diamonds from a hidden place and put them in

A jar with jam


The hem of a skirt

Question 8

5 / 5 points

Schindler risked his life in order to save
Jews. It was a time when terror reigned. The Jews had been dehumanized in
non-Jewish eyes by Nazi propaganda and brutality. Schindler was capable of
empathy. His accidental viewing of the Aktion in the ________ ghetto had a
profound impact upon him. The ability to feel the pain of another is a critical
ingredient to altruistic behavior.




Question 9

5 / 5 points

In Spielberg’s black and white film, in June
1942, Schindler inadvertently witnessed an Aktion (“strikes” on the
ghetto to round up Jews for deportation to the death camps) in the ghetto.
Schindler’s eye was drawn to a little Jewish girl dressed in a ____ coat who,
alone, stood out from the mass of Jews being herded to the trains and to their
death. The child is set apart from the crowd by the color _______. The Nazis
murdered one and a half million children. .




Question 10

5 / 5 points

Ralph Fiennes portrayed ________, the Nazi
Commandant of the Plaszow forced labor camp, to whom, Schindler explains that
true power comes not from control or the ability to kill, but the ability to

Adolf Eichmann

Joseph Goebbels

Amon Goeth

Question 11

5 / 5 points

A women comes to Schindler and begs that he
take her skilless, aged parents into his factory to save their lives. Schindler
throws her out. But, later, he takes ________ and gives it to Stern to use to
buy the lives of the two elderly parents.

His lighter

His pen

His watch

Question 12

5 / 5 points

In the film, the Nazi commandant of the
Plaszow forced labor camp describes Jewish people as “________” and
as “rats.” In this depiction of the Jews, Goeth is following the
tenets of Nazi propaganda which were ceaselessly pounded into the minds of
people in Nazi Germany and in the occupied territories. Reducing the Jews to
these despicable images, the Nazis sought to dehumanize (or demonize) the
Jewish people, to push them beyond the boundaries of human and moral
obligation, to reduce them to the “other.”




Question 13

5 / 5 points

On September 4, 1944, as the Eastern Front
crumbled and the Soviet Red Army approached Poland, the Nazis closed the Jewish
camp at Schindler’s factory. Determined to save his Jewish workers from
extermination, Schindler sent the Schindlerjuden (Jews of Schindler) to a new
factory in Brunnlitz, Czechoslovakia. The Schindlerjuden were transported by
train to the new factory, but three hundred Jewish women were mistakenly routed
to the death camp at _________.




Question 14

5 / 5 points

To effect the rescue, Schindler had resorted
to ______.


Kind requests


Question 15

5 / 5 points

The Jews who arrived at Schindler’s new
factory at Brunnlitz numbered over _______. Schindler also rescued an estimated
85 Jews who had been sent from Auschwitz-Birkenau to a nearby Nazi labor camp
at Golleschau.

Twenty thousand

Ten thousand

A thousand

Question 16

5 / 5 points

On May 8, 1945, the war in Europe ended.
Before Oskar Schindler headed west in the direction of American forces, he
received a gift from his grateful Jews: ________ made from gold fillings
extracted from one of the grateful Jews. The ____ was inscribed with the
Talmudic verse: “He who saves one life, it is as if he saved the entire

A ring

A pen

A pin

Question 17

5 / 5 points

On May 8, 1945, the war in Europe ended. A day
later, the Schindlerjuden were liberated by a lone ________ officer on
horseback, the vanguard of the _______ Red Army. The officer said, “You
have been liberated by the ______ army. I don’t know where you ought to go.
Don’t go east — they hate you there. ….” (10 points)




Question 18

5/ 5 points

At the end of the movie, ALL the “Jews of
Schindler” but one, put a _________ on his tomb. (10 points)



Star of David

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