The Broadway Cafe is experiencing some unusual issues. You have implemented

Question 1

The Broadway Cafe is experiencing some unusual issues. You have implemented four new espresso machines and it is taking employees time to get used to using the new machines. You also have four new employees who are getting used to the many different cafe machines. During peak hours the orders for frappuccinos and cappuccinos is increasing, causing long wait times and lines for customers. You can tell that customers are frustrated and you want to address their concerns as you get your workforce up-to-speed on the new equipment.

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PROJECT FOCUS: Create a strategy for using YouTube as a vehicle to communicate with your customers about the unusual long wait lines and what you are doing to rectify the problems. Be sure to highlight the pros and cons of using YouTube as a customer communication vehicle. Are there any other new technologies you could use as a customer communication vehicle that would be more effective than YouTube?

Question 2

You have recently started selling a few new products including customized CDs, customizable coffee presses, and coffee-of-the-month and tea-of-the-month programs. Each time you develop a new product you are forced to create an entire new system to track sales. You are not sure why the accounting system you purchased forces you to do this, but you are stuck with this system until you can replace it. You quickly notice that separate systems for each different line of business including coffee, tea, CDs, equipment, programs, etc. is going to hurt your business. You notice that each system works independently to perform its job of creating, updating, and maintaining sales information, but you are wondering how you are going to operate the business as a whole.


  • Create a list of issues you will encounter if you continue to run the business with separate systems, performing the same operations, for each different product.
  • What could happen to the cafe if you cannot correlate the details of each system?
  • How could separate systems for each product hurt marketing campaigns?
  • Be sure to highlight at least 10 issues where separate systems could cause problems running your business.

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