sullivan HISt274 research project

Research Topics

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Okay everyone, here is
the list of research topics. Notice that some topics, ie: history
of voting, has subtopics. Each one of the subtopics are considered an
individual topic. So, someone could choose the History of Voting:
Women and someone could select the History of Voting: Minorities.
Now, you will want need to claim your research topic as soon as
possible. You can claim your topic BY POSTING TO THE RESEARCH TOPIC’S

  • Unconstitutional actions by
    elected officials
  • Federal Budget
  • Occupy Wallstreet
  • Campaign Finance Reform
  • US responsibility in foreign
    (natural or manmade) disasters–Is it the job of the United States?
  • Biasness of the media during a
    political election (Presidential, Congressional, etc.)
  • Why isn’t the US considered a
    global leader anymore?
  • Civil Liberties: How far
    is too far? When does someone else’s fight for Civil Liberties
    impose on your Civil Liberties? (Careful with this one…you can’t
    put in your personal opinion. You must use examples.)
  • Government Conspiracies:
    • Moon landing
    • Jimmy Hoffa
    • Roswell
    • JFK
    • Flight 93
    • Flight 77
  • Space Race and its impact on
    the government
  • Social Security
  • Impeachment:
    • Andrew Johnson
    • Bill Clinton
    • George W. Bush: Where
      there grounds for impeachment?
  • New Deal
  • Thomas Jefferson and his impact
    on current economic policies
  • Alexander Hamilton and his
    impact on current economic policies
  • FEMA
  • Roe v. Wade
  • G20 Summit
  • Salem Witch Trials
  • Indian Removal Act of 1830
  • Campaign Finance Reform
  • Cold War
  • Bay of Pigs
  • Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek
  • US involvement in Vietnam
  • Plessy v. Ferguson AND Brown v.
    Board of Education (Yep, they are connected!)
  • Civil Rights/Civil
    • Civil Rights Demonstration in
      Birmingham, Alabama
    • Same- Sex Marriage
    • Women’s Rights
    • Affirmative Action
    • Little Rock Arkansas–1957
    • University of Alabama/George
    • Medgar Evers
    • March on Washington
  • Two party system: Why a
    third major party can not break into the mainstream?
  • The Tea Party (2010)
  • Electoral College
  • Political Assassinations or
    Attempts–impact on society:
    • Abraham Lincoln
    • Ronald Reagan
    • John Kennedy
    • Robert Kennedy
    • Gerald Ford
    • Theodore Roosevelt
  • Impact of the Media on
  • Anti-federalism v. Federalism
  • Race and its role in the 2008
    presidential election
  • War for Oil
  • Katrina
    • New Orleans
    • Mississippi Gulf Coast
    • Alabama Gulf Coast
  • Feminist Movement
  • Lobbying–positive or negative
    for our country?
  • Boston Tea Party and the birth
    of America
  • Watergate
  • Separation of Church and
  • Interest Groups–Are they really
    good for the United States?:
    • Greenpeace
    • UAW
    • ACLU
    • PETA
    • AFL-CIO
    • NRA
  • Role of Public Opinion in
  • The power/influence of the
  • The power/influence of
    the Vice-President
  • The power/influence of the
  • The power/influence
    of the Supreme Court
  • The power/influence of the
    United Nations
  • The power/influential of the
    first ladies
  • Ethics and Politics–myth or
  • US Spies–Treason:
    • Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
    • Patrick Henry
    • Aaron Burr
    • John Brown
  • Legal Immigration
  • Illegal Immigration
  • Arizona’s Immigration Law: 2010
  • First Amendment: Freedom
    of Speech: Is speech truly free?
  • Ku Klux Klan
  • Black Panther Party
  • Unprotected Speech–why is it
  • Internment Camps during WWII
    • Japanese
    • German
  • McCarthyism
  • Right to Vote at 18–Right to
    Drink at 21–hypocracy or justified?
  • Educational Acts:
    • No Child Left Behind
  • Jim Crow Laws
  • History of Voting:
    • Men
    • Women
    • Minorities
  • Fraudulant Voting:
    • 1824 Election: House of
    • 2000 Election: Florida
    • 2004 Election: Ohio
  • First 100 Days: Pick one
    of our 44 Presidents(43 men–Cleveland served two non-consectutive terms)
    and research the success and failures of their First 100 Days in office.
  • Hollywood vs. History
    • Select a movie based upon a
      historical event in our government’s history and analyze the movie for
      its accuracy of the real life event. For example, the movie the
      Ghosts of Mississippi is about the assassination and trial of Medgar
      Evers. Perform an analysis of the movie to identify accuracies and
    • Think outside the box on this
      one….there are hundreds of movies based upon historical events in our
      government’s history!! Have fun with it!
    • Movie & event has to be
      approved. If selecting this topic, identify movie and event on the
      “claiming location.”

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