post his202 midterm paper latest 2015 december

Here are the directions for your midterm paper, which will be worth 15% of your final average. Submit the assignment through the link.

For your midterm assignment you will write a 3-4 page thesis paper on any of the topics listed below. Use APA format (see the Course Information link for information on this format), and view the Social Studies paper rubric for grading guidelines in the Course Information section as well.

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You may choose any one of the following topics taken from the first four units:

1) Was the presidency of Woodrow Wilson a success or a failure? Discuss his successes or failures in dealing with various domestic/foreign affairs during his time in office.

2) Evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in his New Deal programs. Talk about the First and Second New Deal programs, and discuss how they helped or delayed recovery from the Great Depression.

3) Following the Civil War, the nation went through a Reconstruction Era where the country was reunited in theory but still very divided in reality. During which presidency did the United States regain its national identity as a single unified nation? Choose a president and explain what measures were taken and accomplishments made in order to restore the United States to this level.
Your assignment will be to take a clear side on the issue and to support your thesis with clear arguments and evidence (cite your sources, you must use APA format throughout). For example, if you were to write a paper on whether a liberal or conservative approach to domestic policy would better suit the US currently, your thesis should look something like this: “An ideology of liberalism will better suit our country at this point in time.” You might go on to support your thesis with arguments such as “The failure of big businesses proves that these businesses cannot be trusted with the economic freedom valued by conservatives.” Then you will back up your argument with evidence (you might talk about governmental deregulation of business in the late 1980s-1990s and explain how this contributed to economic collapse). Make sure your sources are reputable (stay away from Wikipedia), and be sure to cite your sources carefully. I do check for plagiarism, and whether it is accidental or intended, it will result in a zero. You must use at least four different sources for this paper.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

The paper is due by the end of the Fourth Unit on Sunday by Midnight.

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