People often overlook how the most distant events can impact

People often overlook how the most distant events can
impact our day to day lifestyles. As the saying goes, you must play with the
hand you are dealt, and I have come to find that accepting and making the best
out of these cards is the only way to progress and pursue inner happiness. Throughout
my life, I have had a relatively comfortable living due to the hard-work and
dedication of my parents, which allowed us to live happily. The majority of my
high school career entailed caring about popular culture, social acceptance,
and disregard of the injustices that are occurring beyond our borders. However,
upon my junior year of high school, little did I know my life would be altered
in a 180 degree shift. Being the daughter of first generation immigrants from
Egypt, majority of my friends and relatives remained overseas, given the
evident difficulty to uproot and establish a new life in a different country.
In 2011, the aforementioned carefree lifestyle changed entirely, as the onset
of the Egyptian revolution exposed me to a variety of difficult and unfortunate
truths that disrupted my way of life. As the bloody conflicts continued, I
often my found both my parents engulfed in the television, yearning for any
ounce of information which may give them insight into the situation of their
friends and family. Although this extensive concern regarding their homeland
did not resonate with me until later, one fateful event caused a change in both
overall mindset, and educational desires.

It was a Saturday morning, and like any high school
student I was enjoying it by sleeping in beyond my usual alarm time. All of a
sudden, I am awakened from my slumber to the sounds of a terrible shrieking,
which I immediately identified as being my mother. Thinking that she was in
danger, I sprang up and hurriedly ran to the kitchen to see what the issue was.
Upon entering, I found my mother sobbing behind her laptop screen, and my
father with a devastated look of which I had never seen on his face before. As
I made my way to the computer, I found that an email was open and prominent on
the screen. Written in Arabic, the email had been sent from one of my cousins
in Egypt, it stated that my uncle, my mother’s brother, had been taken by
governmental forces a week prior and that their family had just received news
of his execution. Initially, the shocking news took time to settle in, as I was
unable to comprehend that reality of what had just been revealed. Throughout that
first week, I witnessed immense sorrow and grief from my mother, as her
devastation was blatantly evident and could not be hidden. Despite the fact
that I understood such occurrences were a part of life, I could not help but
think that there was an underlying issue here that bothered me beyond just
basic grief. The Egyptian people were rising up from political and societal
persecution. My uncle voiced his opinion and stood strong by his morals and
what he believed in, regardless of the consequences he knew it may, and
ultimately did, result in. This event, more so than any other, impacted my
overarching mindsets and provided insight into the truths which I had
previously been blinded to. This event, altered my educational motivations and
prompted a far greater understanding of how I want to live my life.

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In overcoming and coping with this horrific situation,
I found myself more engaged and aware of my worldly surroundings and the social
injustices that are all too prevalent in the global world today. Whereas
previously my career choices and motives were questioned by indecisiveness and
carelessness, this event solidified and catapulted my passion towards how best
I could lead a meaningful and happy life. In doing so, I decided to be a force
for change in this contemporary era, and put the entirety of my efforts towards
improving living standards and mitigating oppressive abuses. Realizing the
extent to which human rights was a spark in the Egyptian revolution, I decided
to dedicate my life to making right these immoral wrongdoings. The execution of
my uncle allowed me to expand my levels of awareness, and understand that there
are greater concerns in this world than my meaningless materialistic
self-interests. It taught me the truth behind what it means to have proper
values and ethical reasoning. My uncle was killed due to his reluctance to
stand down from these morals and ethics. I, for one, am reluctant to standing
by while these egregious abuses and social injustices ensue.

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