MKT 441 Week 5 Final Exam

1. A marketing research firm is
discussing the possibility of a major project for a real estate company.
The research firm has already conducted extensive exploratory research for the
project and has been compensated. For the subsequent survey, the top
managers in the real estate firm cannot agree on exactly what the specific
research objectives should be. What should the marketing research firm
a. decline the project
b. conduct more exploratory
c. tell the top managers what
the research objectives should be and do the project
d. agree to do the subsequent
project for a lower cost
e. none of the above
2. In establishing the
need for marketing research, which of the following would serve as a good
decision rule for managers?
a. ensuring that competitors
are using marketing research, therefore a company considering marketing
research would not be at a competitive disadvantage
b. determining the value to be
derived from marketing research
c. determining the cost of
conducting marketing research
d. weighing the value derived
from the marketing research with the cost of obtaining the marketing research
e. ensuring that subordinates
are in favor of conducting the marketing research
3. Which of the following
statements is not true?
a. The Internet is rapidly
replacing libraries and other printed materials once used in marketing research
b. The Internet facilitates the
distribution of research proposals
c. The Internet facilitates
collaboration between supplier and client
d. the publishing and
distribution of research reports is facilitated by the Internet
e. none of the above
4. Which of the following
represents an application of secondary data?
a. predicting broad changes in
b. selecting a street location
for a new carwash
c. economic trends forecasting
d. corporate intelligence
e. All of the above are
applications of secondary data.
5. Which type of research
may begin with, say, exploratory research, and then go on to conduct a
full-scale, representative survey?
qualitative research
quantitative research
pluralistic research
focus group research
representative research
6. The percentage of
total variation in the dependent variable that is described by the independent
variable is expressed by_________.
a. coefficient of determination
b. correlation coefficient
c. coefficient of covariation
d. regression coefficient
e. none of the above
7. The scaling that
permits most sophisticated statistical analysis is
nominal scaling
ordinal scaling
interval scaling
ratio scaling
8. When a market research
supplier subcontracts out data collection activities to another firm, they are
using what kind of a company?
a. Data analysis
b. Field service
c. Quality control
d. Target marketing
e. None of the above
9. It would be unethical
for a potential client to steal a marketing research supplier’s:
a. methodology
b. survey instrument
c. sample
d. proprietary data analysis
e. all of the above
10. The Bayesian approach to decision
assigns probabilities to each state of nature based on relative frequency
uses personal probabilities reflecting the decision maker’s confidence in the
truth of a specific proposition
is based on the principle of insufficient reason
assumes complete ignorance about the true state of nature
11. The best way to improve the
response rate of mail interviews is to
offer an incentive
pre-notify people of the survey
use colored questionnaires
use first class mail
none of the above
12. Which of the following is not
true about the research process?
a. It is a systematic, planned
b. It ensures that the stages of
the research project will be independent of each other.
c. It guides the project from
conception to the final analysis and presentation of results.
d. It creates a consistency
between the research design and the research purpose.
e. All of these are true.
13. Which of the following is not a
characteristic of secondary data?
a. observation data collected
for the project at hand
b. might be relevant to the
problem at hand
c. gathered previously for another
d. (b) and (c)
e. all are characteristic of
secondary data
14. Validity of online surveys
depends on
Sample selection
Survey design
Response tendencies
Technology challenges.
All of the above
15. One of the nonprobability methods
used for sampling is:
cluster sampling
systematic sampling
convenience sampling
stratified sampling
simple random sample
16. This type of chart is the
simplest form of chart and is useful for presenting a measurement taken at
several points over time.
a. line chart
b. bar chart
c. pie chart
d. (b) and (c) are equally
e. all are equally useful
17. In a beer consumption study, a
researcher makes an assumption that males will consume more beer per week than
females; this can be stated in a:
research objective
given level of significance
18. Target marketing most closely
identifies with which of the following orientations?
a. production orientation
b. systems orientation
c. goal orientation
d. consumer orientation
e. all are part of the
requirements for adopting the marketing concept
19. Which of the following is NOT a
way marketing research is used by corporate marketing departments to support
the marketing decision-making process?
a. To evaluate the ongoing
success of operational marketing strategies.
b. To identify new target
c. To measure the quality of
customer service and level of satisfaction.
d. To assess changes in the
internal environment.
e. All of the above are used to
support the marketing decision-making process.
20. Large amounts of money, time, and
effort are wasted because requests for marketing information were poorly
formulated. The preceding could have been avoided if the researcher had
found out exactly why the information was being sought
stated their objectives more clearly
recognize the opportunity
determine whether the information already exists
all of the above

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