If it is 10:00 a.m. on Monday in Denver (based on 105°W), what time and day is it in New York City

1. If it is 10:00 a.m. on Monday in Denver (based on 105°W), what time and day is it in New York City (75°W)?

2. If it is 11:00 a.m. on Thursday in Seattle (based on 120°W), what time and day is it in Seoul, South Korea (135°E)?

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3. What is the latitude of the vertical (direct) rays of the Sun?

4. What is the latitude of the tangent rays in the Northern Hemisphere?

5. What is the latitude of the tangent rays in the Southern Hemisphere?

6. Why is the June solstice associated with the Southern Hemisphere’s winter?

7. Noting the orientation of the circle of illumination on June 21:

Why does the equator receive equal day and night?

8. Noting the orientation of the circle of illumination on June 21:

What happens to the length of day (the number of hours of daylight) as you move north of the equator?

9. Noting the orientation of the circle of illumination on June 21:

Within which range of latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere is 24 hours of day light experienced?

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