Identify any applicable channel members

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Now the entire Marketing Plan is due. Take into consideration any feedback that I have given you to strengthen your completed plan. I will deduct points for sloppy work, such as poor grammar and spelling, or missing elements of the required plan.

Marketing Plan Requirements:

Create a marketing plan for a NEW product for an existing Fortune 500 company. The new product may either be a real product that your chosen company does not currently offer (such as a snowmobile marketed by Ford Motor Company) or, it may be an imaginary, futuristic product (such as a solar powered car marketed by Ford Motor Company). You must include a minimum of two research citations from a written library source.

Paper should be a minimum of 2,000 words and maximum of 3,000 words.

  1. Executive summary: a brief summary of the product and business positioning. This should be a powerful “selling of the product” section.
  2. Current marketing situation. Include the following:
    1. Type of business, i.e., specify whether retail, service, Internet, etc.
    2. Description of product or service. Be sure to include:
      1. Actual Product, i.e. features, brand, packaging, logo, etc.
      2. Core Benefit offered by product
      3. Other Benefits, i.e., warranty, delivery, 1-800 assistance, customer service, etc.
    3. Comment on the general business environment/market structure which the business operates in or will be operating in, i.e., pure competition, monopolistic competition, etc.
  1. Customer profile/target market (Select and describe those that apply)
    1. Demographic Elements, i.e. age, gender, income level, etc
    2. Geographic Elements
    3. Psychographic Elements, i.e. personality, lifestyle
    4. Behavioral Elements
  1. Competition
    1. Nearest direct and indirect competitors – identify at least three
    2. Strengths and weaknesses of competitors
    3. Assessment of how competitors businesses are doing
    4. Description of the unique features of your product or service
    5. Similarities and dissimilarities between your product or service and competitors
  1. Promotional Strategy (Select and justify those elements that apply. Include in your strategy a discussion on the message that you wish to communicate to your target market)
    1. Advertising
      1. Print media
      2. Radio
      3. Television
      4. Internet
    2. Personal Sales
    3. Public Relations
    4. Sales Promotions
    5. Direct Marketing
  1. Channels of Distribution
    1. Identify existing or proposed location and its associated

advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Identify any applicable channel members (i.e. manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers) and describe their role in the distribution process.
  2. Describe and justify your transportation method, i.e. rail, air, truck, ship, or pipeline
  3. Describe and justify your distribution intensity, i.e., intensive, selective, or exclusive.
  1. Pricing Strategy (Select and justify those strategies that apply)

Strategy Options:

  1. Market Penetration Strategy
  2. Skimming Strategy
  3. Competition-based Strategy
  4. Cost-based Strategy
  5. Value-based Strategy

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