How did the U.S. get heavily involved in the affairs of far­away

How did the U.S. get heavily involved in the affairs of far­away Vietnam? What were origins of our involvement following the end of World War II and by what stages did our commitment to the region grow?More specifically, identify the leading reasons why the American government under President Eisenhower committed to the regime of Ngo Dinh Diem. What were the reasons, both domestic and geostrategic,for the strong backing and resolute, even uncritical, support given him at that time? What were the immediate consequences of this for the Kennedy administration? That is, how, even if, as eventuallyhappened, Kennedy would turn on Diem, did the Eisenhower policy shape and constrain Kennedy’s options, ultimately leading him into a highly constrained situation?

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For the first 5­6 years of Ngo Dinh Diem’s regime in South Vietnam, when the country was not engaged in an active civil war and American troops were not substantially involved in any military operations, aswell as in Indonesia in 1965­66, and in Pakistan/Bangladesh in 1970­71, the U.S. can be said to have exerted its power (to arguably quite horrific effect) despite the absence of any military intervention on itspart. First of all, how are these three cases—the Diem regime in South Vietnam, the Suharto coup in Indonesia, and the Bangladesh War—how are they alike and how different? Secondly, to the extent thatthey are comparable, what do they tell us about the continuities of American power from presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy, through Johnson and Nixon (two Republicans and two Democrats)? To the extentthat the cases are different, what specifically about the American response is different? That is, apart from differences in local circumstances, how are these three instances different due to historical changeswithin the United States?

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