hist365 week 8 discussion latest 2017

Week 8 discussion

Clinton to Bush

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Objective: Students will explore the political agendas from
president Clinton and G. Bush and evaluate their relationship with the Senate
and House of Representatives as they attempt to pass their legislative agendas
though Congress.

A short history lesson on government:

Article I of the Constitution outlines the Legislative
Branch of the United States Government to be comprised of representatives that
hold seats in the Senate and the House. The Senate has 100 seats, two for each
state and the House of Representative seats are determined by state population,
totaling 435 elected members. The House of Representatives serve two year terms
and the Senators serve a six year term which means that the terms stagger and
every two years approximately 1/3 of the members of Senate are up for election
in January. Out of these 535 people, each representative holds either a
republican or democratic (occasional we see an Independent) party affiliation.
The relationship between the standing president and the total representation
within Congress create a very unique and often times tenuous experience for the
American people when there is discourse due to political alliances (R/D).

Under Bill Clinton (D) the assembly of the 103rd to 106th
United States Congress convinced which means that political majority in the
Senate and House shifted like this:

103rd: Senate/House D majority

104th: Senate/House R majority

105th: Senate/House R majority

106th: Senate/House R majority

Under G.W Bush (R) the assembly of the 107th to 110th United
States Congress convinced which means that political majority in the Senate and
House shifted like this:

107th: Senate 50/50 & House 50/49 with an Independent
swaying towards D

108th: Senate/House R majority

109th: Senate/House R majority

110th: Senate 49/49 with two Independent swaying towards D
& House D majority

What does all this mean?

In America,the relationship between the standing president
and members of Congress are directly linked to how successful he/she is able to
project a political agenda and to pass legislation. From 1900 to 2010, the
United States of America’s experienced a roller coaster of legislation as the
political pendulum swayed from republican to democrat and back to republican
again. Both Clinton and Bush served two consecutive terms and both meet with
fierce opposition as they tried to push their agendas through a primarily
oppositional Congress. (Note: this is not an unusual occurrence but for this
discussion it is being highlighted)

1st Post: Select one piece of legislation (domestic or
foreign/passed or failed) from Clinton or Bush’s presidency.

Provide a short summary of the legislation and identify the
political agenda set forth by the president, who sponsored the bill and why the
bill was proposed.

Example: FDR and the New Deal, post WWI the nation was in
need of economic recovery. As a democrat he saw the government as a way to
facilitate change so he developed a slew of government divisions to promote
jobs, infrastructure, support and domestic revenue…. etc.

Research how the bill was received by the presiding U.S
Congress and include details about the relationship between Clinton/Bush and
the standing Congress. Was there opposition? Why or why not…Did the bill pass
without and issue? Why or why not?

Additional Sources:













This website is a data base for all the legislation passed
through Congress. You did not have to go this route but I wanted to provide valuable
search options for you:

Legislation of the U.S Congress Search:


Process for finding research:

Select your president, legislation and when Congress was
presiding during that time. (or just go to the website and find a bill…any

Go to the Website titled Legislation of the U.S. Congress
and on the left side you can narrow down your search:

Under All Legislation since 1979, Congress you need to
select more which opens up the list of Congress by numerical order.

Check the box(s) of the # of Congress i.e. 107th, 109th…

Select Bill Type (Key):

H.R or S= house and senate bills

Under All Legislation check one or more options:

Failed on Chamber, Passed One Chamber, Passed Both 7
resolving Differences

Next, select the Policy Area & Chamber of Origin.

See what comes up!

2nd and 3rd Post: Read over your fellow classmates posts and
evaluate the legislation proposed, the process and outcome in comparison to the
issues you selected.

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