HIST 011 – The Novella Heart of Darkness was written by Joseph Conrad

Review #2: Guidelines
Prof. Peek, Spring 2016

of Darkness
, byJoseph Conrad

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This paper will require you to demonstrate
knowledge and comprehending ofHeart of
. You are required to answer
the question below in a well organized essay of approximately 1250-1500 words (3
to 5 pages). All papers will be
submitted according to the style rules listed below. Any failure to follow these style rules will
result in the loss offive points per violation.

You must turn in your paper both via the Drop
Box which you can find on your ANGEL site and also bring a physical copy to
class. I will not accept email
submissions and will not begin grading your paper until I have both an
electronic and physical copy. For every
calendar day I do not have both an electronic and physical copy your grade will
be deducedby ten points.

style rules must conform to Modern Language Arts (MLA) regulations. If you are unfamiliar with the MLA style
guide you can find a concise synopsis here:
Any failure to following these guidelines will result in the loss of five
points per violation. Below is a list of
the most basic style rules you must follow.

– Cover Page with your name, date, title
and author of the book on the cover.
This should be the first page of your assignment and it does not count
towards your word and/or page limit.

– All papers will be double spaced and
include and introductory and concluding paragraph.

-Papers are not to go beyond five
pages. The word limit is also part of
the assignment and you will be graded on your ability to express yourself
clearly and succinctly.

– All papers will be in12 point font, Times
New Roman or other legible font, with one inch margins at the top and bottom
and 1 inch margins on the left and right.

– You do not need a “works cited” list or
bibliography but you will need to cite where in the book you find the
information you are using to answer the question. You especially need to cite if you paraphrase
or use direct quotes. Below are
guidelines following MLA (modern language arts) formats.

format follows the author-page method of in-text citation. This means that theauthor’s last name and the page number(s)
from which the quotation or paraphrase istaken must appear in the text. For example:

Direct quote: “‘The horror! The
horror!’ (Conrad, pg86).”

Paraphrase: The travel upriver, away from the Inner
Station, is where the boundaries of civilized and humane behavior began to blur

Paper Prompt (remember to please answer
all parts of the question):

To what extent do you think the
novel represents a criticism of European Imperialism? What does the work suggest about the
consequences, both intended and unintended, about European actions in
Africa? What is Marlow’s attitude toward
the African people he encounters on his trip up the Congo? Does Marlow represent a heroic figure in this
narrative? Are there any African
characters who could be considered heroic?
What are the similarities and differences between the three main female
characters of the book; Kurtz’s European fiancée, Marlow’s aunt, and the
African woman at Kurtz’s station?
Finally according to the commentary of Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe,
Joseph Conrad was a “bloody racist (pgxlv-lii).” What critique does Achebe give of Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and do you think the
criticism is warranted?

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