HIS103 Midterm Exam – United States History to 1865

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United States History to 1865

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Question1 of 50 Which of the following was not a way the War for American Independence affected African Americans?

Some African Americans took advantage of the war’s confusion to flee to freedom.
Some African Americans joined the British army in exchange for promises of freedom.
Some African Americans sought refuge among Native Americans.
Some African Americans used newly enacted rights to hold political office to craft anti-slavery legislation.

Question2 of 50 In the second half of the fifteenth century, ambitious monarchs in France, England, and Spain created armies and bureaucracies to quell international conflict and to raise taxes.


Question3 of 50 The American Enlightenment, like the Enlightenment in Europe, emphasized that God had blessed humankind with the gift of _______.


Question4 of 50 Which of the following wasnot a characteristic of France’s inland empire?

Male and female French settlers arrived in equal numbers.
Thinly dotted with small farming communities, the French presence in the continent’s vast heartland created a shield for Native Americans against the expansive British.
In sharp contrast, to the English colonies, almost all French settlements in the North American interior mixed European and Native American people.
The growth of French strength and ambitions brought British America and New France into deadly conflict beginning in the late seventeenth century.

Question5 of 50 Which of the following was not a feature of the hybrid religion created as many African-American slaves blended African religious practices with European Christianity?

It provided the spark of resistance.
It offered comfort from oppression.
It involved little dancing, shouting, rhythmic clapping, and singing.
It became central to many slaves’ existence.

Question6 of 50 Which of the following wasnota prominent issue with which the new United States republic struggled as part of its peacetime agenda following the War for American Independence?

Demobilizing the army
Opening the west
Separating church and state
Surviving within a suddenly much more peaceful world

Question7 of 50 _______ was the agreement in drafting the Constitution of the United States that addressed the treatment of Black populations in determining the congressional representation of states.

The Federalist Paper
The Great Compromise
The New Jersey Plan
The Virginia Plan

Question8 of 50 Which of the following was not a characteristic of free Black communities in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries?

By 1820, most Black men and women in northern cities lived in autonomous households.
Schools educated Black children who were excluded from White academies.
Black churches became less important to Black community life.
Mutual aid societies offered help to the down-and-out.

Question9 of 50 Which of the following wasnot a factor that encouraged European expansionism?

Renaissance culture encouraged exploration.
Europeans wished to circumvent overland Muslim traders by finding an eastern oceanic route to Asia.
Europeans wanted to do away with the African gold trade.
Improvements in navigational instruments, mapmaking, and ship design aided sailors.

Question10 of 50 A group called the _______, composed mostly of artisans, shopkeepers, and other ordinary citizens, led violent protests against the Stamp Act in New York and Rhode Island.

Sons of Liberty
Hartford Convention

Question11 of 50 Which of the following wasnot a characteristic of the process of ratifying the Constitution of the United States?

All thirteen colonies ratified the Constitution within a month of its completion.
A widespread perception held that the Articles of Confederation were inadequate and decisive action needed to be taken.
Most of the Revolution’s major leaders were Federalists, and their support helped rally support for the Constitution. o
Support for the Constitution was strongest in cities and towns.

Question12 of 50 Ratified in December 1791, _______ contained ten amendments that protected citizens’ democratic rights.

the Articles of Confederation
the Bill of Rights
the New Jersey Plan
the Virginia Plan

Question13 of 50 Which of the following wasnot a way in which the War for American Independence affected colonial civilians?

Many urban dwellers suffered profound dislocations.
British soldiers tore down the fences of many colonial civilians for firewood.
The movement of people across territories in the colonies caused the spread of disease.
While the British took food and other supplies from colonists, they did not confiscate slaves.

Question14 of 50 Which of the following wasnot a characteristic of the African ethos?

The family was the basic unit of social organization.
Widespread across Africa was a belief in a Supreme Creator of the cosmos and in a pantheon of lesser deities associated with natural forces that could intervene in human affairs.
Africans honored ancestors, whom they believed mediated between the Creator and the living.
Africans did not have slaves.

Question15 of 50 Originally written by the Continental Congress in 1776 and ratified by the colonies in 1781, _______ preceded the United States Constitution as a document that united the colonies under a set of laws as an independent nation.

the Articles of Confederation
the Bill of Rights
the Constitutional Assembly
the Declaration of Independence

Question16 of 50 In what became known as the _______ Affair, when United States President John Adams sent commissioners to Paris to ease relations between the United States and France, agents of the French foreign minister made it clear success in producing that ease depended on a loan to the French government and a “gratuity” for the agents themselves.


Question17 of 50 In the mid-eighteenth century, the _______ political ideology developed, emphasizing that concentrated power was historically the enemy of the liberty and that too much power lodged in any person or group usually produced corruption and tyranny.


Question18 of 50 Though the French Revolution dominated European affairs for more than a decade in the late 1700s, it had little effect on the United States since the United States now had independence from England.


Question19 of 50 Which of the following was a feature of the entrepreneurial ethos that developed within colonial cities during the eighteenth century?

It emphasized self-denial rather than acquisition.
It argued that if people were allowed to pursue their material desires competitively, they would collectively form a natural, impersonal market of producers and consumers that would benefit everyone.
It suggested that economic life should operate according to what was fair, not what was profitable.
It emphasized the subordinating of private interests to the community interest.

Question20 of 50 Which of the following beliefs wasnotpart of the revolutionary republicanism political ideology of the 1760s and 1770s?

Although excessive liberty could degenerate into political chaos, history seemed to demonstrate that trouble most often arose from too much, not too little government.
In a republic, each individual gives up all private interest not consistent with the general good.
Order within society should be imposed from above through traditional agencies of control such as monarchies and state churches.
Republican governments must be grounded in popular consent with frequent elections, and citizens must be vigilant in defense of their liberties.

Question21 of 50 Laborers who willingly sold years of their lives in exchange for free passage to America were known as _______.

indentured servants

Question22 of 50 Resolutions in the states of _______ in 1798 officially voiced significant concern growing among many individuals within the United States about the degree to which the Federalist government was threatening people’s civil liberties.

Georgia and Vermont
Kentucky and Virginia
Massachusetts and Tennessee
Pennsylvania and North Carolina

Question23 of 50 A series of acts in 1774 passed by the British parliament that included closing the port of Boston to all shipping and barring local courts from trying British soldiers and officials became known by Bostonians as the _______ Acts.


Question24 of 50 Which of the following statements about Aztec society isnot correct?

The Aztecs built a mighty empire by subjugating smaller civilizations.
The Aztecs controlled most of central Mexico at the time of Christopher Columbus’s first voyage to the Americas in 1492.
Aztec society was not very stratified, as all people were essentially born into the same social class.
The Aztec capital city of Tenochtitlán is estimated to have boasted a population of around 150,000.

Question25 of 50 Which of the following wasnot a development in communication or transportation that helped to knit the United States together in the early nineteenth century?

The construction of a national road
The development of the steamboat
The expansion of the postal system
The invention of radio

Question26 of 50 Though it was the least elaborately planned colony in English history, Carolina was the most successful in achieving the harmony proprietors desired.


Question27 of 50 Which of the following was a feature of northern colonial farming communities?

In the early years of these communities, most people within them were either very rich or very poor.
Northern colonial farming was more intense than southern colonial farming.
Soil fertility in New England increased over time, solving problems New England farmers faced in the mid-seventeenth century.
By the eighteenth century, widespread property ownership and rising population created a limited land supply that drove many New Englanders to the frontier or to other areas.

Question28 of 50 Which of the following statements best summarizes the most prominent paleoanthropological theory regarding the arrival of the first inhabitants of the Americas?

The first inhabitants of the Americas migrated across a land bridge connecting northeastern Asia with Alaska.
The first inhabitants of the Americas migrated across ice bridges connecting Antarctica with South Africa and Argentina.
The first inhabitants of the Americas sailed across the Pacific Ocean from China.
Human beings naturally evolved in North America, so the first inhabitants of the Americas did not come from somewhere else.

Question29 of 50 Which of the following wasnot a reason the English became involved in exploration of the Americas?

Fish, which was basic to the European diet, was found in abundance in the North Atlantic in the Americas.
Decreases in population and falling prices in England greatly improved the economic conditions of ordinary people, emboldening them to look across the ocean for more opportunities.
For the English nobility, colonies in the Americas offered new baronies, fiefdoms, and estates.
For English merchants, the New World promised exotic produce to sell at home and a new outlet for English cloth.

Question30 of 50 The _______ was a transaction between the United States and France in 1803 that nearly doubled the size of the United States.

New Jersey Plan
Louisiana Purchase
Northwest Ordinance
Virginia Plan

Question31 of 50 The Salem witch hunt began with _______.

a British effort to crackdown on paganism in the colonies
mysterious murders of three prominent assemblymen
threats against the church by a cult of older women living just outside of town
young girls playing at magic with a slave whom one of the girls’ fathers owned

Question32 of 50 Which of the following is a characteristic of Native American involvement in the War for American Independence?

At the peace talks that ended the war, the British made sure to look out for the interests of their Native American allies.
The Oneida and Tuscarora chose to fight with the British against the American revolutionaries.
After the Iroquois allied with British troops, a series of American raids permanently shattered Iroquois dominance of the northeastern interior.
When the war began, British and American officials urged Native Americans to pick a side.

Question33 of 50 By the end of George Washington’s term as President of the United States, political harmony had disappeared as divisions deepened on virtually every significant issue of foreign and domestic policy.


Question34 of 50 Which of the following statements about the Ghana Empire isnotcorrect?

Among other things, the Ghana Empire was noted for its extensive urban settlement, sculpture, and metalwork.
The wealth of the Ghana Empire was built primarily on military conquest rather than trade.
By the time period of the Middle Ages in Europe, two thirds of the gold circulating in the Christian Mediterranean region was coming from Ghana.
An invasion of North African Muslim warriors in the eleventh century destroyed the kingdom of Ghana.

Question35 of 50 In the early nineteenth century, the emergence of the new staple crop of _______ reinvigorated the economy of the southern United States.


Question36 of 50 Thomas Paine’s pamphlet titled _______ used biblical imagery and plain language to deny the legitimacy of monarchy.

The Articles of Confederation
Common Sense
The Declaration of Independence
Poor Richard’s Almanack

Question37 of 50 Which of the following was a characteristic of the gentry lifestyle in the southern English colonies in the seventeenth century?

Most of the gentry did not own slaves.
The gentry frowned upon ritual displays of wealth.
Racing thoroughbred horses became a common sport among the gentry.
The gentry built modest homes, filled almost exclusively with furniture made in the colonies.

Question38 of 50 What crop built the early economy in the English colony of Virginia?


Question39 of 50 Members of The Society of Friends, whose society in Pennsylvania foreshadowed the religious and ethnic pluralism of the future United States, are more commonly known as _______.


Question40 of 50 The American public generally forgave loyalists to England after the War for American Independence


Question41 of 50 Which of the following wasnot a characteristic of United States cities in the early nineteenth century?

Populations in urban places of more than 2,500 residents grew much more slowly than the national average population growth.
The gap between richer and poorer inhabitants in northeastern cities widened.
Urban growth brought increasing congestion together with serious problems of public health and safety.
Cities remained small enough that residents could stroll from one side of town to the other.

Question42 of 50 _______ occurred from 1792-1794 when farmers in western Pennsylvania protested government policies they felt threatened their livelihoods.

Bacon’s Rebellion
The Philadelphia Freedom
Popé’s Revolt
The Whiskey Rebellion

Question43 of 50 Dutch settlement in North America was centralized in the colony of New Netherland, which is presently the state of _______.

New York
North Carolina

Question44 of 50 Colonial societies were fluid, unruly, and competitive, lacking the stable political systems and leadership class thought necessary for social order.


Question45 of 50 As Secretary of the Treasury under George Washington, _______ was instrumental in shaping national policy that would determine the United States’ economic future.

John Adams
Alexander Hamilton
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison

Question46 of 50 Which of the following was a characteristic of the work and belief system of artisans in the early eighteenth century?

Work patterns were regular.
Artisans took little pride in their crafts.
Artisans saw economic independence as unimportant.
Artisans utilized a three-step program through which individuals moved from servitude to self-employment.

Question47 of 50 Which of the following statements about the voyages of Christopher Columbus is correct?

Columbus was a Spanish sailor who sailed for Italy.
Columbus’s urge to explore was nourished by ideas and questions about the geographic limits of his world.
Columbus was inspired by hopes of contributing to the Catholic reconquest of France.
Though Columbus had set out to reach Asia, he realized almost immediately that he landed in an altogether different continent.

Question48 of 50 Which of the following wasnot one of the British legislative bills that contributed to growing rift between the colonies and the homeland?

The Barn Act
The Currency Act
The Stamp Act
The Sugar Act

Question49 of 50 Which of the following wasnot a characteristic of Puritanism?

Puritans emphasized a social ethic stressing work as a primary way of serving God.
Puritans organized themselves into religious congregations where each member hoped for personal salvation but also supported all others in their quest.
Puritans believed it was not their responsibility to influence “unconverted” people around them.
Puritans not only wished to improve the Church of England; they sought to reshape society.

Question50 of 50 The Protestant Reformation in Europe was initiated by a German monk named _______.

George Calvert
John Calvin
Martin Luther
John Winthrop

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