HIS 104 – In regard to the foreign policy of President Theodore Roosevelt

Hi there, I have attached a document that lists five essay questions that need to be answered. Each answer needs to be original with little or no quoting from the text book or outside sources. Each answer also must be between 1-5 paragraphs.

HIS104 quiz 2.docx

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HIS104 Quiz 2.docx

1. In regard to the foreign policy of President Theodore Roosevelt, the course textbook
states that his “executive activism in foreign affairs, for better or worse, influenced
presidents from Woodrow Wilson to George W. Bush” (602). Identify three distinct
specific foreign policy actions taken during the Theodore Roosevelt administration and
explain how each example can be characterized as “executive activism.” Then, for each
of your examples, indicate at least one potentially beneficial outcome and at least one
potentially harmful outcome of the action taken.
2. By the late 1800s, the women’s movement in the United States had focused its attention
on suffrage. Explain what suffrage is and provide two distinct arguments made within
the women’s movement for the need for suffrage for women. Then, indicate two distinct
additional issues (other than suffrage) the women’s movement emphasized in the late
1800s and explain why the movement considered each issue important.
3. 3. Domestic policy during the Theodore Roosevelt administration became known as the
Square Deal, in large part because it addressed many of the causes advanced by the
progressive and social justice movements. Identify three distinct specific examples of
elements of Theodore Roosevelt’s domestic policies that incorporated progressivism. Be
clear in identifying each example specifically and in explaining how each example
reflected attitudes or positions of the progressive movement. Then, consider the concern
mentioned in the course textbook that progressivism tended to mean progress for whites
only. Explain how each of the three examples you have discussed offered more limited
advances for non-white groups than for white groups. Be clear in addressing how this
limitation occurred in each of your examples.
4. 4. Discuss three distinct elements of domestic policy during the Woodrow Wilson
presidential administration and three distinct elements of foreign policy during the
Woodrow Wilson presidential administration that all reflect a similar theme, and explain
how they reflect that theme. Be specific in identifying and describing each element of
domestic policy and each element of foreign policy. Also, be clear in identifying the
common theme and in explaining how each element of domestic policy and each element
of foreign policy reflects that theme.
5. 5. Describe the following three stages of U.S. involvement in World War I: neutrality at
the beginning of the war, involvement in the war, and the position of the U.S. in relation
to European countries after the war. For the first stage, explain the reasons why the U.S.
sought to remain neutral and what advantages and disadvantages neutrality provided. For
the second stage, explain why the U.S. became involved in the war and in what ways
U.S. involvement affected the war. For the third stage, describe what particular
relationships existed between the U.S. and major European countries once the war had
concluded. For each stage, be specific, referring to particular events and details that help
to demonstrate your points. Finally, compare and contrast these three stages. Offer at
least one similarity within U.S. relationships with Europe that exists across all three
stages and offer at least one way in which each stage differs from the other two. Clearly
show how what you have discussed in your answer demonstrates the similarity and each
of the differences.

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