Hi, I need help with following assignment

Hi, I need help with following assignment:

After reviewing the two commercials, please answer the following questions for each commercial. It must be one page and done in a word document.

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Here are the links to the commercials:

1) https://youtu.be/se1eaSfFKwI

2) https://youtu.be/yGV0LFE_E4k


  1. Ad content – Please describe each ad in some detail (2-3 sentences).
  2. Benefits and advertising appeal – State at least one benefit and one advertising appeal for each ad. Some ads will have more than one benefit and appeal. You may state multiple benefits and appeals if you have space.
  3. Executional style – What is the executional style used in each ad?
  4. Promotion goal– indicate the promotion goal of the ad and explain your answer. Some ads will, to some extent, have more than one goal. If you think that is the case, select the one you think is the most important one.
  5. Target Audience – Based on your knowledge of the products and the execution of the ads, provide a description of the likely target audience of each ad (which may be a subset of the target market for the product). Please provide an explanation for your conclusion.
  6. Media Strategy – Given the target audience you identified in the previous question do you think the advertiser has chosen an appropriate media strategy? Please explain your answer.
  7. Most successful strategy – Which of the ads do you think is most successful? Please explain your answer.

Thank You!

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