HI 232: United States History Since 1865

Directions: complete BOTH parts of this Assignment. Use complete sentences; use standard English grammar and spelling at all times.

Section A: Short Answer. Use a minimum of 1 (one) FULL PARAGRAPH for EACH question. Identify the question to which you are responding.
Section B: Definitions. In at least one COMPLETE SENTENCE, provide a definition for each of the terms below ACCORDING TO THEIR TEXTBOOK USAGE. Use your OWN WORDS, NOT the definition from the Textbook.

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HI 232: United States History Since 1865
Reading Assignment 3 (Chapters 22-25)
Summer 2015
Directions: complete BOTH parts of this Assignment. Use complete sentences; use standard English
grammar and spelling at all times.
Section A: Short Answer. Use a minimum of 1 (one) FULL PARAGRAPH for EACH question.
Identify the question to which you are responding.
Chapter 22: The Great Depression and the New Deal
22.1.* (Required) Explain the origins of the Great Depression. How was the Depression in the
U.S. related to global economic factors?
22.2.*(Required) Explain the major phases of the New Deal. What programs were enacted in
each phase, and what did they seek to accomplish? Discuss at least two New Deal programs in
greater detail.
Chapter 23: World War II
23.1. Considering the series of international events that led to the U.S. entry into World War II,
could the nation have stayed neutral?
23.2. Why did the U.S. government intern Japanese Americans in the aftermath of the attack on
Pearl Harbor? Was the internment justified? Why or why not?
Chapter 24: Chills and Fever During the Cold War, 1945-1960
24.1.* (Required) What were the roots/origins of the Cold War between the U.S./Western
Europe and the U.S.S.R./Soviet or Communist block? Could the Cold War have been avoided?
If so, how?
24.2. What was the impact of the Cold War on American society and culture? Discuss specific
24.3. How did U.S. policy regarding the Cold War change in the 1950s from what it had been in
the 1940s? Describe the policies for both decades.
Chapter 25: Post-War America at Home, 1945-1960
25.1. What were the sources of American prosperity in the aftermath of World War II?
25.2. * (Required) Who prospered the most in America, and why? What groups did NOT
prosper, and why? Address specifically two groups that DID prosper and two groups that did
NOT prosper.
Section B: Definitions. In at least one COMPLETE SENTENCE, provide a definition for each of the
definition from the Textbook.
Chapter 22: The Great Depression and the New Deal
1. Brain Trust
2. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

3. Dust Bowl
Chapter 23: World War II
4. Axis Powers
5. Four Freedoms
6. Manhattan Project
7. Fair Employment Practices Committee
8. Lend Lease
9. Rose the Riveter
10. Pearl Harbor
Chapter 24: Chills and Fever During the Cold War, 1945-1960
11. Alger Hiss
12. McCarthy Hearings
13. Cold War
14. Containment
15. Marshall Plan
16. NATO
17. Truman Doctrine
18. Mao Zedong
Chapter 25: Post-War America at Home, 1945-1960
20. Baby Boom
21. Brown v Board of Education
22. Kinsey Reports
23. Fair Deal
24. Beats
25. The Other America

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