GLG/101 Version 4 Weathering Worksheet -1

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Weathering Worksheet

Answer the lab questions for this week and
summarize the lab experience using this form.

Carefully read Ch. 7 of Geoscience Laboratory.

Complete this week’s lab by filling in your
responses to the questions from Geoscience
. Although you are only required to respond to the questions in
this worksheet, you are encouraged to answer others from the text on your own.

Questions and charts are from Geoscience Laboratory, 5th ed. (p. 117-130),
by T. Freeman, 2009, New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. Reprinted with


7.1The nature of
the boundary with bedrock serves to distinguish regolith from sediments.
Describe the difference in the boundaries between (A) bedrock and regolith, and
(B) bedrock and sediments, in Figure 7.1.

7.2In Figure 7.2, if A is one unit area,
how many unit areas are in B? In C? In D?

7.5Less obvious is the greater degree of
weathering that might e apparent on the east sides of north-south highways
(Fig. 7.8). What is the reasonable explanation for that? Hint: A clue is
imbedded in Figure 7.8.

What is the singular difference (apparent in Figures
7.10 and 7.11) in the chemical composition of common clay and kaolinite?

7.10Rocks in fresh roadcuts are commonly gray to brown
in color, but after a few decades reds and yellows begin to appear. Why? Hint:
What elements in the atmosphere and surface water are at work here?

7.19Agitation (as in shaking) liberates CO2
from soda pop. So what one or two actions of cave water do you think might be
accompanied by agitation of the water? Hint: We’re looking for a simple cause
of turbulence…as in the case of rain water.

7.22Ref. Figure 7.24. Why the patchy
occurrences of high rainfall in the northwest? Hint: Look again at the caption
to Figure 7.23.

7.24Relative to the map feature asked for
in Q7.23, where, in broad map terms, is the more fertile soil in Fayette County
(NW, NE, SW, SE of the map feature)?

7.28After 30 years of development, (A)
which horizon was the thickest? (B) Which horizon was yet to develop

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