geology- The characteristic of most glacial

Ch. 10 Glaciers
1. The characteristic of most glacial deposits is that they are
a.) Extremely fine-grained
b.) Poorly sorted
c.) Very thick
d.) Found only in cold climates

Today, most of Earth’s glacial ice is located
a.) Over Greenland
b.) Over Iceland
c.) Throughout northern Siberia
d.) Over Antartica

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3. Plastic flow will be initiated in the lower portion of a glacier once the thickness of ice
exceeds about
a.) 50 feet
b.) 150 feet
c.) 500 feet
d.) 1000 feet
4. The pressure melting of ice at the base of a moving glacier is called
a.) Solifluction
b.) Regelation
c.) Calving
d.) Sublimation
5. The characteristic feature of valleys that have been carved by glacial ice is their
a.) Extreme depth
b.) Cross-sectional shape
c.) Steep gradients
d.) Steep valley walls

6. All loose, poorly-sorted, unlayered glacial material is called
a.) Firm
b.) Till
c.) Tarn
d.) Neve
7. Which of the following glacial deposits is well-sorted
a.) Drumlin
b.) End moraine
c.) Valley train
d.) Medial moraine
8. The most recent ice age, the Pleistocene Ice Age, began about _____ years ago
a.) 500,000
b.) 1 million
c.) 2 million
d.) 5 million
9. The term periglacial refers to
a.) The source of the ice
b.) Regions once covered byh ice but now ice-free
c.) The area beyond the terminus of a glacier affected by the presence of the ice
d.) Regions presently covered by continental ice
10. A “bowl-shaped mountain depression” describe a(an)
a.) Arête
b.) Col
c.) Horn
d.) Cirque
Completion Questions0

1. The process by which a solid may convert to a gas without going through a liquid phase
is called _____________________
2. When alpine glaciers emerge from a mountain valley and spread out beyond the base of
the mountain, they form a ________________ glacier.
3. Dry-based glaciers are mostly restricted to _________________ regions.
4. The most common glacial deposit is the _________________.
5. In periglacial regions, the combination of frost wedging and frost heaving tends to break
the frozen topsoil into polygonal slabs resulting in the formation of _______________.
6. It is estimated that if the continental ice over Antartica and Greenland were to melt,
sealevel would rise about _________________ feet.
7. The two types of moraine that are restricted to alpine glaciers are _________________
and _________________.
8. The zone In which a glacier is experiencing a net loss in ice mass is called the
9. The Grand Tetons in western Wyoming are excellent examples of a glacial feature called
a _________________.
10. Rocks carried far from their source and deposited in areas of totally different rock types
are called _________________.
1. Sublimation- The conversion of a solid to a gas without first melting to a liquid
2. Firn- An intermediate between snow and glacial ice
3. Regelation- The pressure melting of ice at the base of a glacier
4. Calving- The breaking off of ice from the terminus of a glacier, usually where the ice
enters a body of water
5. Dry-based glacier- Glaciers that are frozen to the underlying bedrock
6. Col- A high mountain pass
7. Till- Loose, poorly sorted, unstratified glacial material
8. Erratic- A glacially transported rock deposited in an area of totally different rock type
9. Pluvial lake- A lake formed during periods of high rainfall, specifically during a period of
glacial advance
10. Loess- Any deposit of fine-grained material deposited from the wind

Deserts and the Wind
Multiple Choice
1. The most important single agent of erosion in the desert is
a.) Running water (stream)
b.) Wind-blown sand
c.) Fast mass wasting processes
d.) Freeze/thaw
2. The deserts of the southwestern U.S. are examples of
a.) Fog deserts
b.) Sub-tropical deserts
c.) Isolation deserts
d.) Rainshadow deserts
3. The Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn are characterized by
a.)Descending columns of warms, dry air
b.)Descending columns of warm, moist air
c.)Descending columns of cold, moist air
d.)Rising columns of warm, moist air
4. In contrast to streams in humid regions, most desert streams
a.) Are highly turbulent
b.) Carry high dissolved loads
c.) Rarely flood
d.) Belong to internal drainage systems
5. The major difference in the cycles of erosion of humid and arid regions is that in arid

a.) Chemical weathering of the exposed rocks is more effective
b.) The slopes retreat with little change in slope angle
c.) Mass wasting is less effective
d.) Frost wedging is not effective because of the scarcity of water
6. The preferential removal of sand-, silt-, and clay-sized particles by the wind is called
a.) Saltation
b.) Sublimation
c.) Deflation
d.) Gelification
7. The process of wind abrasion is best seen in the formation of
a.) Pedestal rocks
b.) Blowouts
c.) Desert pavement
d.) Ventifacts
8. The dunes commonly seen along beaches are examples of _______ dunes.
a.) Longitudinal
b.) Transverse
c.) Barcham
d.) Parabolic
9. The major difference between erosion in most desert regions as compared to that in
humid regions is that in desert regions
a.) Far less detrital material is generated
b.) The sediments generated by erosion are not transported to the ocean
c.) The wind plays a major role in the erosion process
d.) Running water is less effective
10. The world’s largest desert is
a.) The Gobi

b.) The Sahara
c.) The combined deserts of the southwestern U.S.
d.) The interior of Antartica
Completion Questions
1. Deserts cover approximately _________________ percent of Earth’s land surface.
2. The temperature at which the air becomes saturated with water vapor is called the
3. The deserts of the southwestern U.S. are examples of _________________ deserts.
4. The ocean current responsible for the Namib Desert along Africa’s southwestern coast is
called the _________________.
5. The major agent of erosion in the desert is _________________.
6. The most important single despositional form in the desert is the _________________.
7. The process by which fine-grained material is preferentially removed by the wind is called
8. The dune that forms in desert regions where both sand and vegetation are scarce is the
_________________ dune.
9. A major cause of desertification that results from excessive irrigation is
10. An object created by the abrasion of wind-blown sand is called a _________________.
1. Dew point- the temperature at which air saturated with water vapor
2. Playa lake- a seasonal desert lake
3. Alluvial fan- the most important despositional form in the desert
4. Deflation- the process whereby fine-grained material is preferentially removed by the
5. Ventifact- any object created by the abrasion of wind-blown sand
6. Loess- wind-derived deposits of fine-grained material
7. Desert pavement- a layer of granule-size and larger particles covering the desert floor
produced by deflation

8. Bolson- A sediment-filled desert valley
9. Saltation- the movement of particles by wind or water in intermittent bounces or jumps
10. Pediment- a gently-sloping erosional surface extending out from the base of a receding
mountain range in arid to semi-arid regions.

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