Geologic Map Worksheet

Geologic Map Worksheet

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Geologic Map Worksheet

Geologic Map Worksheet

The map on the other side of this
sheet is a geologic map. This map is oriented
north along the top of the map and west along the left side of the map.

Using the geologic map, answer the
following questions (34 points):

1. What is the general strike and dip
of the outcrop of Silurian Conglomerate¼ mile
of Superstition? (5 points)

2. Using the information along line
AB, what geologic structure exists below the town of
Patch? (6 points)

3. What geologic structure exists
between the towns of Gold Patch and Superstition
the line CD? (6 points)

4. What geologic structure is found in
the area surrounding the town of Rio Ville? (6 points)

5. What geologic principle is used in
the arrangement of the geologic map key? (6 points)

What is the oldest rock unit on the map? (5 points)

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