GEOG 101 Differentiate between folding and faulting

Assist me to answer these questions
Kindly use illustrations and examples where possible in answering the questions.
1. Differentiate between folding and faulting activities in earth’s formation. Discuss forces that are
associated with fault formation. Use illustrations and relevant diagrams in answering this
2. Briefly highlight and explain four types of faulting resultant features .Many theories have been
put forward to explain the formation of the rift valleys. The most commonly used are: Tension,
compression and anticlinal arching. Based on your personal research and knowledge from
previous lessons, discuss these theories giving examples.
3. Identify and elaborate significance of faulting to human activities. Note that the argument should
have at least 10 points.
4. Vulcanicity refers to all various ways by which solid, liquid and gaseous materials are forced into
the earth’s crust and onto its surface. What are the main types of Vulcanicity? List and discuss
features that result from Vulcanicity. At least five points.
5. What is an earthquake? What are the causes of earthquakes?
6. Discuss three types of seismic waves and how they are recorded?

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