Devry HIST415 final exam

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Question 1.1. (TCO 6) What common name was given by Sir Winston
Churchill, former Prime Minister of Great Britain, to describe a beginning
threat to the world order? (Points : 5)

The Danger on
the Horizon

The Avoidable

The Bamboo

The Iron

Fear Itself

Question 2.2. (TCOs 6, 10) President Eisenhower used a
metaphorical figure of speech to describe the danger of Communism. That
metaphor was what? (Points : 5)

… moving like
a freight train

… an evil

… like a
thief in the night

… be swept
away by the red tide of communism

… fall like

Question 3.3. (TCO 9) The Tet Offensive began on January 30,
1968. Why was it called by that name? (Points : 5)

The name
“Tet” celebrates a historic resistance victory over Chinese invaders
in the 14th Century.

The name
“Tet” refers to the lunar new year in Vietnamese culture, and the
lunar new year began on that date.

was the region where the first assaults were made.

was a major strategic goal of the National Liberation Front forces.

refers to the seasonal change that occurs right after the monsoon rains.

Question 4.4. (TCO 8) What colloquial term was used in The
Great War to describe the effects of what was later given the clinical name
post-traumatic stress disorder? (Points : 5)

Shell shock


incident stress disorder


maturity development

Question 5.5. (TCO 1, 9) Choose the title of the classic
military warfare book written by Carl von Clausewitz, in which the term
“fog of war” was coined. (Points : 5)

Brothers in

The Gallic Wars

On War

Peloponnesian War

The Third Reich

Question 6.6. (TCO 6) In what year did Bernard Baruch make
his famous speech in which fear of the Soviet Union’s world motives for
communist domination and the competitive atmosphere was given the moniker
“The Cold War?” (Points : 5)






Question 7.7. (TCOs 1, 3, 7) Trusting relationships and
alliances based on mutual interest and perceived trustworthiness of the
participating parties are called by what term? (Points : 5)



Alliances of
common purpose

Frail and

Alliances of

Question 8.8. (TCO 6) The Cold War was fought without direct
confrontation of the major nations but instead through a series of proxy wars
and incidents in which they engaged each other indirectly. The Vietnam War was
such a proxy war. Which one of the following was NOT a proxy war or incident of
the Cold War? (Points : 5)

Capturing the
USS PUEBLO in 1968

The dissolution
of the British empire

The space race
beginning in 1957

The Cuban
missle crisis of 1962

The Berlin
airlift operation of 1949

Question 9.9. (TCO 9) The Gulf of Tonkin incident, leading
to the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution of 1964, involved what U. S. Navy warship?
(Points : 5)






Question 10.10. (TCO 3) What was the planned result of The
Geneva Accords of 1954? (Points : 5)

An eventual
division of Vietnam at the 13th parallel

elections in July 1956

A temporary
division of Vietnam at the 20th parallel

Legitimacy of a
separate and permanent government in southern Vietnam

Immediate replacement
of French forces with multinational forces

Question 11.11. (TCO 9) Which Secretary of Defense served
under both President Kennedy and President Johnson? (Points : 5)

Dean Rusk

Robert McNamara

William Wayland

Dean Acheson

Henry Cabot

Question 12.12. (TCOs 7, 8) What was the purpose of the War
Powers Act of 1973? (Points : 5)

To exercise
financial control over the budget of the Defense Department

To authorize
the president to enforce the terms of the Paris Accords of 1972

To exert
influence over the resignation of President Nixon in 1974

To restrict the
power of the president to commit forces overseas without the advice and consent
of Congress

To include
Congress as a participant in the National Command Authority

Question 13.13. (TCOs 3, 4) The 17th parallel served what
intended purpose in the Geneva Accords of 1954? (Points : 5)

The designated
location of the Demilitarized Zone

A temporary
boundary between the two regroupment zones of forces

Protection of
the historic city of Hue from the fighting

families to reunite and resettle

Resumption of
rice farming, which was needed for the food supplies and for export

Question 14.14. (TCO 5) Who was Ho Chi Minh’s leading
military commander against French forces and later against American forces?
(Points : 5)

General Vo
Nguyen Giap

General Dien
Bien Phu

General Nguyen
Cao Ky

Prince Norodom Sihanouk

General Nguyen
Sinh Cung

Question 15.15. (TCOs 3, 7) What collective secrity
agreement was used to justify American involvement in Southeast Asia? (Points :

The UN





Question 16.16. (TCOs 5, 6, 10) The United States
Constitution specifies in Article II, Section 2, that the president holds what
authority in relationship to the armed forces? (Points : 5)


Authority over
state governors concerning use of their militia forces

The authority
over state governors to cause federal forces to be deployed to other locations
within the United States

The general of
the armies

The authority
to promote officers and to withhold promotions at will

Question 17.17. (TCO 7) A collective security arrangement to
be called the League of Nations was proposed at the Treaty of Versailles peace
conference. Which president proposed it? (Points : 5)

Franklin Delano

Woodrow Wilson

Warren G.

Herbert Hoover


Question 18.18. (TCOs 9, 10) Dr. Henry Kissinger served as
Secretary of State under President Richard Nixon. From what type of background
did Kissinger come to that service? (Points : 5)

A senior
executive in the aerospace industry

A leading
military theorist and strategist in a civilian think tank

corps service in Asia

The personal
recommendation of President Johnson, for whom Dr. Kissinger had sometimes
served as an advisor

A Harvard
University professor who had written extensively on national security issues

Question 19.19. (TCO 4) Who was in military command of Vietminh
forces at the decisive Battle of Dien Bien Phu in the spring of 1954? (Points :

Vo Nguyen Giap

Ho Chi Minh

Chiang Kai-shek

Chung Hee Park

Dong Minh Hoi

Question 20.20. (TCOs 1, 6, 7, 10) When the new Defense
Secretary Clark Clifford raised fundamental questions about the American war
policy, what did he discover? (Points : 5)

That there was
the need for a single joint commander in Vietnam

That plans were
fragmented in a way that prevented the different services from operating
effectively with one another

That when his
list of nine questions could not be answered, there was actually no military
plan for victory

That the
Vietnamese forces could not operate effectively, because they were deployed far
from their homes

That reserve
forces had not been called up in an appropriate manner

Page 2

Question 1. 1. (TCOs 3, 6) Once Bernard Baruch had
identified and named the situation called the “Cold War” in his 1947
speech, it became the ideological underpinning of national foreign strategy of
the United States and its allied nations. This strategy came to be called

What was President Eisenhower’s metaphor for the threat of
global communism? Explain the metaphor’s impact in developing and sustaining
the Cold War foreign policy of the United States.

(Points : 50)

Question 2. 2. (TCOs 7, 8, 9) Our course asked a question of
both Vietnam and the United States: Who owns this war?

In two paragraphs, analyze and then explain your analysis of
how the United States took ownership of the Vietnam War under President

Be sure to speak to which factors were so important in the
Americanization process, with some specific examples of what worked and what
did not work.

Then, in a third paragraph, evaluate how the personality and
intentions of President Johnson impacted the direction and pace of the
escalation of conflict in Vietnam.

(Points : 50)

Question 3. 3. (TCO 1) Historians read and research through
three kinds of sources: primary, secondary, and tertiary sources.

For this question, your assignment is to work with SECONDARY

Discuss the meaning and identity of this type of source,
with TWO examples of secondary sources as you met them in our class. How do you
identify secondary sources when reading and in the media?

Then, explain what authority they hold for the study of history:

– Why is that authority valued within the three types?

– What about secondary sources limits their value and
usefulness when studying history?

– What service is provided by this type that the other two
types cannot provide?

(Points : 30)

Question 4. 4. (TCOs 4, 6) U. S. policy makers serving under
Presidents Kennedy and Johnson counted on some basic assumptions about the
nature of North Vietnam that eventually proved false and led to a stalemate
with the enemy. What was the significant assumption about North Vietnam that
was overlooked and never confronted? (Points : 40)

Question 5. 5. (TCO 10) Throughout our course we have sought
to learn lessons from history, and there have been a lot of them!

In two paragraphs, choose two lessons you learned from the
overall topic of settling and living as an outsider in foreign lands. Express
the significance of what you learned about them in terms of the foreign policy
of France.

Finally, what can be done in this world to take those lessons
seriously and remember them?

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