Contemporary customers and customer behavior-Hofstede’s model is the most popular tool

Week 7 Key Concept Exercise

Master in Marketing

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Module: Contemporary customers and customer behavior

Subject: Analysing national cultural dimensions

Analysing national cultural dimensions

Hofstede’s model is the most popular tool for defining national cultures. It includes five dimensions: Power Distance, Individualism/Collectivism, Masculinity/Femininity, Uncertainty Avoidance and Long-/Short-Term Orientation. Analysing cultural characteristics based on the above dimensions could reveal interesting insights for marketers and could enhance marketing strategies.

In this week’s Key Concept Exercise, you will explore the impact of culture on consumer behaviour. You will also apply Hofstede’s model to your own national culture.

To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:

  • Read the Required Learning Resources (below references)
  • Read the de Mooij and Hofstede (2011) article.
  • Search for additional academic articles related to the topic

To complete this Key Concept Exercise:

An approximately 500-word response, address the following issues/questions:

  • Critically analyse the role of culture in consumer behaviour as described by de Mooij and Hofstede (2011) by applying Hofstede’s model to your own national culture. Provide relevant examples that support your point of view.
  • In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions:
    • What impact does culture have on customer behaviour?
    • How would you apply Hofstede’s model to your own national culture?

When writing your responses you should synthesise the theory with real-world experience and use examples of the theories in action in a real organisation about which you have read or one in which you have worked.

Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.

Important note: more than 5% plagiarism work will be rejected. References should be from the below list.


de Mooij, M. & Hofstede, G. (2011) ‘Cross-cultural consumer behavior: a review of research findings’, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 23 (3/4), pp.181-192.
Use the University of Liverpool Online Library to find this article.

Gentina, E., Butori, R., Rose, G.M. & Bakir, A. (2014) ‘How national culture impacts teenage shopping behavior: comparing French and American consumers’, Journal of Business Research, 67 (4), pp.464-470.
Use the University of Liverpool Online Library to find this article.

O’Cass, A., Lee, W.J. & Siahtiri, V. (2013) ‘Can Islam and status consumption live together in the house of fashion clothing?’, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 17 (4), pp.440-459.
Use the University of Liverpool Online Library to find this article.

Teller, C., Gittenberger, E. & Schnedlitz, P. (2013) ‘Cognitive age and grocery-store patronage by elderly shoppers’, Journal of Marketing Management, 29 (3/4), pp.317-337.
Use the University of Liverpool Online Library to find this article.

Valkeneers, G. & Vanhoomissen, T. (2012) ‘Generations living their own life: the differences in lifestyle and consumer behaviour between busters and baby boomers’, Journal of Customer Behaviour, 11 (1), pp.53-68.
Use the University of Liverpool Online Library to find this article.

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