Chapter 1.4 (page 8-10): Fernando and Juana, Monarchs of

  1. Chapter 1.3 (page 6-7): Letters from Afonso, King of Congo, to Joao III, King of Portugal:

How does Afonso feel and think about the slave trade? What is he petitioning the King of Portugal to do about the slave trade?

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  1. Chapter 1.4 (page 8-10): Fernando and Juana, Monarchs of the Kingdom of Castille and Aragon (Spain), Excerpts from “Instructions Given by the Monarchs to Rodrigo de Alburquerque and to Licentiate Ibarra to be Carried Out During the General Distribution of the Indians of the Island of Hispaniola” (1513).

How do the instructions sent to these officials aimed to solve the depopulation problem of Native Americans in the Spanish colonies? What specific measures are ordered by the monarchs of Spain to these two officials?

  1. Chapter 2.3. Jean de Brebeuf, “Instructions for the Fathers of Our Society Who Shall Be Sent to Hurons” (1637)

What can you learn about Huron culture form the instructions that Brebeuf gave to his fellow Jesuits? What can we learn about Jesuit culture from Brebeuf’s advice?

  1. Chapter 2.4 (page 20-22): John Winthrop, Excerpts from “A Model of Christian Charity” (1630).

Based on the sermon given by John Winthrop to the first Puritans of New England, what is the ideal of a true Christian? How does he interpret the purpose and mission of the Puritans in New England?

  1. Chapter 3.1 (page 26-29): Barbados Assembly, Excerpts from “An Act for the Better Ordering and Governing of Negroes (1661).

Based on this Act (which was the first comprehensive slave code constitution implemented in the British slave-holding colonies of Barbados, Jamaica, Carolina, and Georgia), what were the specific restrictions and responsibilities given to the African slaves? Provide plenty of examples.

  1. Chapter 3.5 (page 36-38): Germantown Quaker Meeting “Reasons Why We Are Against the Traffic of Men-Body”(1688)

According to this declaration, why are the Quakers of this town against the slave trade? Provide plenty of examples.

  1. Chapter 5.5 (page 60-62): Diary of Hannah Heaton, Excerpts from her Recollections of the Great Awakening(1750).

Describe Hannah Heaton’s conversion experience. How was her life before conversion, and which specific experiences converted her, or awakened her, to Christ?

  1. Chapter 12.2. Charles G. Finney, Exerpts from “What a Revival of Religion Is” (1835)

How does Finney describes religious revival? What does Finney ask of his listeners?

  1. Chapter 13.6. Republican Party Platform (1856)

How do the Republicans root their opposition to slavery in the Constitution?

  1. Chapter 12.3 (page 116-120): Frederick Douglass, Excerpts from “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” (July 5th1852)

According to Abolitionist Frederick Douglass, what kind of critique of slavery does Douglass offer? In his critique, what did the fourth of July mean to the ordinary African slave?

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