1. Write a London newspaper account of Bacon’s Rebellion. *

1. Write a London newspaper account of Bacon’s Rebellion. You may select either the pro or anti crown position. 2. Make or break the following argument: “New England proved an ideal model for how to build a colony while Virginia proved an example of how to not establish one.” 3. You are a member of Cortez’ personal staff and you are writing a letter to your wife describing the final conquest of Tenochtittlan. Her father is a trusted member of the King’s Privy council and one of Cortez’s few supporters. You can assume that the letter’s content will be reported directly to the King. 4. Why is it that Portugal rose to the forefront of European Exploration? Essays are worth 25 points each and are graded against the following rubric. Criteria Maximum Points Partial Points Zero points Grammar & Syntax 5 Points – if posting is error free. 1 or 3 Points – if essay contains one to four errors. Zero points – if essay contains 5 or more errors. Contains a solid topical paragraph that restates the question and outlines 3-4 key points of your argument 7 Points – if posting meets the criterion. 1 to 5 Points – one point for each of the items listed under criterion. Zero points if all items are omitted. Each key point is supported by a stand-alone paragraph with a topical sentence and proof for your points and concepts. 8 Points – if posting meets the criterion. 1 to 5 Points – one point for each of the items listed under criterion. Zero points if all items are omitted. Essay contains a summery paragraph that summarizes and concludes your argument. 5 Points – if posting is error free. 1 or 3 Points – if essay contains one to four errors. Zero points – if essay contains 5 or more errors. Essay contains direct quotes and is annotated with source. -10 points for the entire essay if sources are not properly documented -15 points for the entire essay if sources are not documented or if an encyclopedia article is used as a source Zero points for the entire essay if sources are not documented or if essay is “pasted” or copied from another source or if a Wikipedia article is used as a source.. Overall, 350~500 words.

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