1. What, in your view, can we learn from Catiline and the Gracchi brothers?

1. What, in your view, can we learn from Catiline and the Gracchi brothers? Be sure in your answer to consider the issues (and controversy) surrounding the way that the Gracchi presented the problems of the time, as discussed in class.
2. Augustus, Res Gestae, 34:
In my sixth and seventh consulates (28-27 B.C.E.), after putting out the civil war, having obtained all things by universal consent, I handed over the state from my power to the dominion of the senate and Roman people. And for this merit of mine, by a senate decree, I was called Augustus and the doors of my temple were publicly clothed with laurel and a civic crown was fixed over my door and a gold shield placed in the Julian senate-house, and the inscription of that shield testified to the virtue, mercy, justice, and piety, for which the senate and Roman people gave it to me. After that time, I exceeded all in influence, but I had no greater power than the others who were colleagues with me in each magistracy.
Propaganda, or fact? Neither? Discuss, paying attention to, and agreeing or disagreeing with, our coverage of Augustus and his career, as presented to you in class.

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